Sunday, August 23, 2009

form follows function.

Here i am to record my life events in case i should forget, which i hope i do not.

Yesterday was the Japanese Summer Festival once again! I missed it last year because i went to watch fireworks instead, but I went before the year before last. This year was different though, we all marched down decked out in our yukata of various colours! Cor bought the yukata from uniqlo while he was doing on Japan immersion. Naturally mine is yellow [i always seem to be in yellow nowadays, it breaks me out of my all dark self.], chair's is purple [naturally also], nu's is black [not very natural, but the pink and rabbit prints on it suit her] and cor's is blue, as natural as a guy's can get.

Wearing the yukata is a confusing and complex affair. You have to put your arms through the sleeves first so its like a loongg loong magnificent robe that trails of thick material behind you, and then you take each edge of the cloth and wrap it around left over right[dont get it wrong! the other way round is for dead people!] so that you pull up all the extra material and fold it over a white band tied around your waist. [my sis might have done this as an extra step cuz there was so much extra material on mine], anyway after this is the tying of the bow, just follow the steps on the instruction sheet and tying the bow in front of you, around yourself, then get someone to hold the bow while you do a 360 degree turn so the bow ends up behind you! We took quite long to get everyone into their yukata and it was steaming hot wearing it.

Anyway after that we pranced out of the house and made our way to expo for the shuttle bus. A few minutes later we were there! Looong LOOong queue there was, winding around many pillars, but the queue moved fast and soon enough, we were inside! Headed for food first cuz it was about dinnertime. There wasnt much left. Me and cor got sausages for everyone while chair and nu got curry rice and pork rice for everyone too. We ate and then went to see the other halls with the other stuff. Mr. Curry had super cute MANGO NYAN bags and we were all hypnotized by it and ended up buying THREE of them. Chair also got a giant domo bag to give away to someone and we got some fortune cat pouches at the same place. Water was scarce but we managed to get some drinks.
After eating was playing. The usual water balloon yoyo fishing, whee. They give you these hooks attached to a strip of paper that you have to use to dip in water to fish out balloons. It may be hard if you don't know the technique because the paper will get wet and break and you'll lose the hook. But i managed to get the one i wanted, yellow, of course, with a radar like grid print. I was contemplating a black one but decided it was too ominous. Chair also played a bowling game and knocked all the pins down so she got a prize of cute erasers and a tiny tiny tiny zip pouch with i chose. The prizes were wrapped in paper so you couldnt tell what they were until you opened it.

There were lots and lots of people there, and various people in yukata too. The little kids still look the best and the cutest. It's fun stuff that should be experienced at least once in the lifetime C:

The awards ceremony itself was nothing much to talk about. But things are always fun as long as you're with shiny happy people.

AFTER the ceremony was the funner part. DINNER. Akshay and Gerald were trying to convince everyone to go to Bedok for dinner cuz they live near, and so do i, so i gladly agreed. Akshay kept saying its a FRIDAY NIGHT!! IT'S A FRIDAY NIGHT!! Exclaiming till his voice was going shrill and it was so super funny the way he seemed so desperate. In our LOUD discussion, even Mr. Melon overheard and pranced over to tell us that he would strip us of our awards if we didnt eat the buffet dinner! [which had only 5 measly dishes by the way and almost all of it gone by the time we went to eat] He was kidding of course, but we ate some of the buffet anyway cuz we were starving human beings. Eventually though, we decided to be nice and go somewhere near school, but further from home! To make other people happy. We went to this place opposite bukit timah plaza, which i dunno what its called, with my rifle girls and the rifle boys and sam the pistol girl. We had hot stuff for dinner, really really hot, thank goodness the drink helped.

The guys really have interesting stuff to talk about man. They can talk about anything and everything cept that i think their links fly even futher than when girls talk. One moment they're talking about art people and the next moment they're talking about rich people and its quite hilarious, the way they talk.

Oh, how can i bear to leave this place with people that make me feel so at home! sigh. the dilemma of the century.

goodbye world! It is about time to immerse myself in math homework....

Things left to do:
1. Testimonial writing
2. Math Paper 1n2 ACJC
3. Math Paper 1n2 AJC

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

here i am once again to spend a moment of my life sharing what interesting moments there have been. Yesterday was interesting, though not so pleasant.

Math consultation from 6-730pm on both monday and tuesday, absolutely draining but it feels so nice to be in school at that time cuz its all quiet and no one's around [apart from the western dancers] and we can learn in peace.

Yesterday when i took the bus home, it was so crowded and dark outside that i couldnt really see what was outside. So. i imagined my stop to be my stop. And i pressed the bell. And then i alighted. And then. WRONG STOP. and summore FOUR STOPS TOO EARLY. i was so sianded, i just walked all the way to my stop. Anyway the jam was so bad, the bus kept starting and stopping and the fluids in my ears were imbalanced and my brain translated that as me hallucinating and decided that it was due to poisoning, and was close to inducing vomitting.

The rest of the ride home was peaceful.

I had various dreams recently. Monday morning's dream made me wake up at 3am. I dreamt i was playing this computer game which gave me tasks to do, and somehow although i knew they would hurt, i did them anyway. One was to wipe some burning thing on my leg and i did it and my leg felt like it was on fire and i could feel every morsel of the pain that was piercing my nerves but i still went on to do the next task. I woke up after the next task and my first thought was, it was a dream, how could it have hurt so bad?? i felt like every moment of the hurting, it was soooo real.
my dream this morning left the mario theme song playing in my head over and over, but i cant remember why. Will put in more effort for that next time.

pe today was fun. Attendance was super bad and while waiting, andy and xiang yin played golf with the hockey sticks and i indulged myself in spinning the basketball. I think i'm getting better at it!
When more people came, we had a 5 on 5 hockey match which was super violent but very exciting and i got hit and i hit people, all by accident. When the pe teacher let us off, me, xue min, north, leo, daniel, andy stayed to play bball! Leo and daniel were on my team. My score rate today was 100% because i only got 1 chance to score lol. The rest of the time was spent stealing balls from people and passing it to leo and daniel. North kept scoring and so it was clear the other team was stronger by far. But then, the golden goal was unexpectedly scored by... LEO! mY Gosh. Everybody was super amazed and i think even leo look 10 seconds to realise he scored! [that's twice the normal time needed!] haha. so fun.

Friday, August 14, 2009

hello world. something bad happened today. I waited dam long for stupid 170 to come guess who were waiting too? Estella and Cheryl from 03. Waited for like 1/2 an hour. Bandana came out and she took 171 and estella and cheryl gave up waiting so they took 171 with her. Guess what? 170 came right after that. I smsed bandana to tell her the good news. she passed on the news to cheryl and estella, who promptly alighted from 171 and got onto 170 at the next stop. They sat at the seats diagonally in front of me. They started talking about me. Estella said my name so freakin loud and clear, i actually jumped. And then whispering. mentioning of more names. It was clear what they were talking about. Gossip gossip. Eee here, yuk there. Yea. Too bad they arent blessed with inaudible voices? Cuz i kinda can hear them gossiping. And dam could they care less about whether the people they were gossiping about were present. Hm! I kinda wonder if i was meant to hear some bits in the first place! Ah, they probably don't think it's harmful in the first place. Aiya, since you're already talking in front of me, might as well talk louder, why waste your energy whispering.. i already know how everything spread.

I never talked about them even. Don't know anything about them. Same as how they don't know me. Yet they have something to talk about. Talk talk talk. Me ranting on. some people really can't multitask. When they talk they forget how to feel. am i being oversensitive? HM! i don't know really.

Didn't know they were one of those people. I must really be too naive. I actually think that some people are nice. That's probably why i get tricked. I'm always wrong. strange. People do think they are nice. Gossiping, especially harmful gossiping, is really just part of human nature right? I'm gonna become an alien then. All that talk. I should talk less too.

  /ˈgɒsəp/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [gos-uhp] Show IPA noun, verb, -siped or -sipped, -sip⋅ing or -sip⋅ping.
Use gossip in a Sentence
1. idle talk or rumor, esp. about the personal or private affairs of others: the endless gossip about Hollywood stars.

But idle talk sounds like normal talking. I shall insert my own definition of it being harmful to the feelings of others because i don't think huiwei will be very hurt if i told xiu rong that she's eating mushrooms for the first time. That's still her personal affair but a gossip that seems acceptable yet when we use gossip, it always has bad connotations.

as a side thought, i do not watch movies one on one with people i meet at obs. Wherever that idea sprung out from, i do not know. Does not matter since it's a lie.

I probably wouldn't really care if i heard that they talked about me[it's the in thing nowadays]. it's just bad being there in person. Being there in person just makes me wanna shrivel up and die.
Luckily they are not my friends.

byebye fake friends.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i woke up LATE this morning. Mom suddenly came into the room at 7:05am gasping in shock. I opened my eyes, saw the colour of the light in the room [quite blue and bright, meaning not 6+ anymore, meaning must be 7+, meaning LATE.] and my first thought was SHYT. Hopped out of bed, brushed teeth, changed and bounced out of the house in a grand total of 3 minutes. I'm fast right!! Hailed a cab at 7:11am which cost me THIRTY-ONE BUCKS. Walao eh. I dunno if the uncle cheated me or what. The plain fare was $17, the surcharge was $14. Grah. I almost made it, might have if the uncle had the change for me!! anyway i was late for the first time in my NJ life. sigh.

This is what happens when usually I'm the only one who wakes up in the morning. Me dont wake up= mom dont wake up = sis+dad dont wake up. Ta da. It's a chain reaction. I don't seem to hear my clock recently though. I wonder if it's spoilt or i'm spoilt. Probably I am.

Anyway yesterday morning i went to see the Da Vinci Exhibition with my sis and bc. It was intriguing while i was there but it didn't leave an impact on me! My sis said if she wanted to see replicas of an artist's work she would just go search online. It was $15 to see the replicas. Anyway to feel better, we watched an omnimax movie, Sea Monsters! It was quite awesome but my legs felt weak sitting at the top of the theatre. When i went the first time in primary school, i was cringing in the chair. It's like a viking feeling, which i cannot stand. This time, the national geographic logo being flashed in a way that the yellow rectangle comes towards you like a tunnel, totally made me and my sis weak in the knees. I had to grab on to the armrests and shut my eyes for a moment. Man, when they show those dipping scenes, like, from flying over the horizon to being sucked into the sea, you totally feel like you're falling. Well, i totally feel like i'm falling and my heart falls with it. Yet i think it would have been nicer with more of that because that's like the whole point of the omnimax theatre! It can give you that feeling!

Anyway the show was just following the life of a cute flipper-ed dino which they referred to as the Daaaaa-ly. She got bitten by a shark and there was a shark tooth embedded in her skeleton when the paleontologists were sweeping up her bones. Yea there was some diversity and evolution involved. Hah.

Exiting the omnimax brought us to a space exhibit, which was really really nice, I love outer space apart from the aliens. We didn't stay too long cuz i was supposed to go home and study soon. We went to IMM to eat and DAISO where everything is 2 dollars, and i was SOO tempted to get this cute little box of pastels! My sis strongly supported me in buying a cute little box of markers instead so i got the cute little markers instead. But i still think those pastels were SO CUTE. Ahh.. i just wanted to own all the colour pencils, markers, crayons and little pastels on that shelf!

Okay, after that we went off home and i did work until 1+ resulting in my being late for school. YAY.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

i was doing my IS halfway when my sis came home and reminded me that today is national day and i switched on the tv to watch the parade! Guess what, the parachuters are wearing bell bottoms! lolol. And they didnt give out coloured smoke this year. how sad. Anyway, i finished season1 of House! fastforwarded DOUBLE SPEED man. Cant do that for season 2 though, IT DOESNT HAVE ENGLISH SUBSS. nooo.

i regret to say i didnt wake up thinking its national day! But instead my first thought was a trail of my dream, which ended with some chem question. Yea. What kind of life do i have man.

Anyway it was fun watching UP with xiu rong, minlu and breadface! I didnt wanna watch it actually since its a 3D ANIMATION MOVIE and i really dislike watching those in cinemas cuz its a cartoon. BUT for the sake of minlu, i graciously obliged. Everyone else wanted to watch it anyway! Anyway anyway, it was nice though, the funny parts were really pretty funny and breadface kept laughing and laughing i thought he might go into convulsions soon. Then i would have to administer some benzodiazepines STAT!

Okay okay. Time to do homework while watching TV. i mean, do homework. Really. Really! ok bye.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

YES. i have yuan fen with HOUSE! In episode 4 the ppl thinking of names for their kid:


"No. Amber's a stripper name."

"Ok, non stripper names. Desiree?"


Good sign for my IS i hope.

im spamming house so i can do my IS properly.

Anyway, i think i should stay up till 12:34:56, 7/08/09 to mark the date since fudi has kindly informed me that that would be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and it would not happen again in my life! Whoohoo. How exciting apart from the fact that im quite dead tired and would like to sleep. But no! I must not miss this exciting event.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

CIP today was the ultimate awesomeness. Jeremy is the ultimate slave! He is super good at slave work man, he does anything i ask him to. lololol. So fun. Ever since he moment he spilt the green paint on the floor, we discovered his talents for cleaning floors and passing paint bottles to people/ washing paintbrushes and getting things for people. Haha. So thats what he did for the rest of the time. REVENGE FOR THE DOUGHNUT.

We painted a lot of new things again today! XiuHui, WanYun and I added a new layer of grass and... I WASTED SO MUCH TIME ON THE STUPID SUN. I kinda regret it now. I want to paint more mushrooms instead!! Yea. I made the sun too orange[i always think of the desert sun] so i spent like 2 hours toning it down and blending it back. After much noise from scholars and xiu hui, i hurriedly moved on to clouds. Zhuo Chun helped me with clouds too! So we have a grand total of FOUR clouds now! [they were commenting i was gonna spend another 2 hours on clouds but i proved them wrong!]

Anyway after clouds i proceeded on to mushroom drawing and painting. Zui Qiu insisted on GIANT mushrooms and he was right! Giant mushrooms are easier to paint! Ama and I did mushroom painting and both of us are unsatisfied with our mushrooms. They look weeeird. We are bent on some touching up on Wednesday.

ZuiQiu drew a dam nice swan. Dam good laa... And the trees are also uber nice!! Done by TEAM no. 1: Chian Siang and Qingyun [they make a dam good team!], Team No. 2: Kristy and Daniel[and occasionally jeremy i think] Kristy is so tall she only needs a canteen bench to paint the tree!!! Team no. 3: Scholarly Team [who were also doing the uber nice pond] consisting of JiaSheng, ZuiQiu, Zheyu, ZhuoChun

I hope I didnt miss out anyone!

More credits for previous days CIP: huiwei for helping me paint the tree bark! Fudi for touching up the empty sky, lynna for her very nice dustbins lol. XiuRong, Joyce, Jingmin, Roddy for grass base layer and everything else that everyone did that i didn't see C: