Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Invitational Shoot today was GOOD!

I took up at least 7 different duties throughout the course of the event! How enriching and exciting! I'm not being sarcastic! Here is the breakdown!

1. Secretary: Take down minutes and find sponsors
2. Help paint banner [YEA im proud of my trailblazer logo! I must show it to Kaisheng.]
3. Go get challenge trophy from Mr. Lee
4. Scoring duty
5. Range officer duty
6. Run and buy gift for guest of honour with nicole and wrap it
7. Pass medals to guest of honour

I have no idea whose Job it was to get the challenge trophy but xiu rong just called me at 1+ on monday to go get it from Mr. Lee at 5+ on the same day! Wa piang! Why so last minute one! Anyway, it wasnt a bad experience.

I decided scoring was quite enjoyable so i stayed in the room all day long helping xiu rong who was pretending not to be stressed [yes, fly away to thailand so you wont see this and scold me anytime soon!] except at the third detail where i went out to watch wenying shoot. She shot uber well. Nuff Tuff Fluff Luff said.

The teachers decided that bouquets werent enough for the guest of honour so nicole and I flew away to find a gift! We settled for choco cuz there was nothing else nearby! It is quite a considerably rural area there at CDANS... Anyway we had to fly back in the cab cuz the guest of honour was coming in 10 minutes and we had to wrap the present, make a bow and balh blah blahe.

Afters we took pictures non stop because Qiaowei just kept setting the timer on her camera to shoot off while we waited for Yan Hui and Shermain to be done with their superior talk with the guest of honour, vice principal and friends.

And finally to end off, pastamania dinner with rifle boys, rifle girls and pistol boys where it was revealed to us many interesting stories about the junior level! My oh my. I didnt know such funky stuff existed.

Well, i must congratulate Yan Hui for doing a good job in being the overall IC of this invitational shoot! Yayyy [i hope she is glad to have been given the chance too C:]

Happy fun and mince beans with gloomy flavour cheese apple pasta hamster.

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