Tuesday, May 26, 2009


some shytface is still making stupid remarks and comments thinking he is still running the club i see. Unfortunately for him, he is still a shytface in the eyes of many. Sending nasty things to other people who are trying to help, are you? Thats exactly what stupid retards do and you have proven yourself to be a fine figure of a retard. Making stupid suggestions thinking your suggestion is the best all the time. It's not like we cannot function and are not functioning on our own. Why should we listen to some idiot who cares only about his own bloody feelings and makes himself out to be sad and pathetic. You're just pissed off because not everyone is listening to you, not because what you suggest is the correct answer and it should be followed.

You think that because a person doesnt go down to the range often means they are not caring about their people, means others think they dont have to go down as often also, means they should not be captain?

Think about who you wanted to be captain so badly you were forcing her, thinking you were not, making her almost break down. i heard her voice when she said it, there was so much pressure. See if she herself even goes down that often.

She knows that which is why she is making her own choice, not having you make it for her.

In case you did not know, there are other ways of showing care for people. Ops! You probably don't know what that word means.

One-sided mind.
If you had any at all.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

No wonder i am such a bad-luck-bringer. Even before i was born such terrible things happened on various February 3rds! I didnt know it was The Day The Music Died, i remember my sis telling me about it when i was like in primary school. And then it was also the day of the worst natural disaster New Zealand experienced [an earthquake at Hawke's Bay]. And also the day when the communist party of Vietnam was established.

Of course there are a bunch of cooler stuff among those terrible things, like various spacecraft missions. Could this be why i wanted to be an astronaut from the day i was born? [i abandoned this dream because of height restrictions among other things] Also the lowest temperature in North America was recorded in Snag, Yukon[That's in Alaska! What a coincidence that i always wanted to go there] on this day as well, a whopping -63 degrees Celsius.

But there were at least 2 plane crashes and 2 earthquakes and... a baghdad market bombing that killed 135 people[in 2007] quite recently. And also various WWI and WWII incidents happened on this day as well, but i'm sure other dates may have many too since the wars were long?

Oh a bunch of mathematicians and racing drivers were born on this day and even philosophers! But the world is so big. Surely many interesting people are born almost everyday. I am just writing this for my self-amusement.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

came home early today. Met with an unpleasant human being. Never knew my mother had such lowly a foul-mouthed student man. He is like the ultimate bane of this planet. He was talking big about passing his math test [by getting 44/80 for section A and 31/60 for section B] and still saying instead of studying he went to play lan and still pass despite also anyhow doing his paper. What a retard-head. Then he kept saying, this year O lvl confirm fail cuz i only pass every 3 years and was mightly proud about it. Fail then still come here for what. Irritate people, waste your mother's money and waste my mother's time. Go eat shyt la. He also kept scolding his sister retarded, loser, etc etc because she didnt do well for her test. What kind of screwed up kid is this man. I bet he thinks he's so cool but the truth is he's jus s frickin loser himself. I'm so frickin pissed off that he can't just shut up cuz he's interupting my mom's lesson with his sis. When my mom said she will give him more test papers he said, "then i throw away" with the ah beng hand action. ASS-FACE. Killing the trees for such an UNWORTHY idiotic creep.

My mom is trying to teach the little girl about triangles and he is being stupid by interrupting every sentence she says e.g. by saying some triangles have 181 degrees. I feel like stuffing tissue paper into his eye sockets. Walao, seriously he should just GND right now. He's breathing the precious air of my house and he deserves not one square inch of it. [Now he's commenting about charging his sister an interest rate of $1 for every half an hour that passes cuz she owes him money for lunch. What kind of ungracious behaviour is that.]

Is he suffering from attention deficiency? Or Hyperactivity? If so, i will forgive him for his stupidity. But if he is a normal and healthy individual, then blast that crapass.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Updates to life.

Georgy is the new member of my family. He is a baby mynah that my sister saved. He is super adorable and looks like a dinosaur. Now he's sleeping in a little basket. He looks very scrawny and has been through a tough day. I hope he survives so dad can teach him to fly like Peeper!

Squall had a great escape recently. I put him in the hamster ball to run around in the room while i went to wash his wheel and fill the water bottles. When i came back, the ball was empty!! The cap had fallen off! Squall was gone! Omg. I got a shock. But he had to be somewhere in the room, so i looked around a bit, and then he emerged from underneath a red bag, with a dust bunny on his nose. Oh how i picked him up and hugged him. I will never lose you again Squall. You are my onlyy my onlly oneee...

I feel like my life has come to a stand still. I havent done anything new, things are just repeating repeating. It's like not progressing. I don't know what im doing.


oh but i have succeeded in one thing. That is, being quite emotionless to certain people. yahoo.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

you said there wasnt any use. But what a contradiction. It made you shut up, at least, for a reasonable amount of time. But someone like you is hard to shut up anyway.

What a ridiculous message. You cant even type a word as simple as that correctly, even with the dictionary function. And why would you miss it anyway, not like you even liked it or appreciated it for that matter.

You never appreciate anything until its gone.

Good thing it is.
what have i been doing all day? Chemistry chemistry chemistry.

is it even helping? I do not know. With this primitive brain of mine, it's hard to understand anything about this planet. Especially the people in it.

Nope, i don't get them at all.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

whatever you say is downright and utterly disgusting. induces vomitting.

Retarded, thats for you, to think that this make-belief is actually true. Retarded cuz you are SLOW to realize that all that was created by you. I NEVER introduced them as YOU KNOW WHAT, unlike YOU. And you KNOW WHY. Because i don't believe in your retarded-ness like the way you do.

This is not dreaming. This is OBSESSING.

Your arguments never work.
i never wanted to play that silly game.

Hearing that from you is GROSS.
You just sound so obsessed with that imaginary family.

Old pestilent fogey, you don't have to keep reminding me to bring a jacket cuz i don't need one. Havent used one in that place since moons ago.

Waste 20cents of my phone bill. Just like those craps who keep calling wrong number and call my phone.

Your voice, i hate to hear it.
Your number, i hate to see it.

stop contacting me.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

wow i cant describe this feeling im having now.

It's sweet and sour, tingly, squeaky. I don't know.

It's from watching the lakehouse.

*Spreads wings and flies into sky*