Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yay today the trip to OCS was fun!

Officer cadet school field trip.

First we assembled in school. We were given a booklet and a pen that comes in two colours and has a postit attached to it. Quite cool. Then all the lieutenants and such came down from the atrium after assembly to grab a class. Yu Yan took our class! At first it was boring waiting, Charlyn told us ghost stories but when she ran out it got boring! So yuyan happened to ask if we were bored and i said yea. Then he thought i thought the trip was boring! But when he asked who actually wants to go on the trip nobody raised their hand [more like we dont wanna raise not that we really dont wanna go right!] So finally after a long long time we got to go on the bus.

Long long bus ride.. Got there and they gave us another goodie bag which had a bunch of random stuff and food! Jia sheng and Zuiqiu kept eating non-stop... XR also haha. Then we went into a hall which had exhibitions. We first saw this demonstration of some practice session where the soldiers had to land on their backs or something like that. Then it was to some chemical sth sth thingy. Jamie wanted to try the mask! So he made me help him ask [which i didnt mind since everyone could take funny photos of him after that!] So here is funny breadface!:
After the hall exhibitions we went into a room where they let us try using a funny torchlight that could see in the dark! It was quite cool, huiwei looked like a ghost. Everyone looked green and ghostly in infared mode.
Then there was food tasting! We got to taste the army food! Which i actually tasted before. Anyway they gave us some in cups and it tasted quite good man. I didnt try the pasta though, cuz huiwei said it wasnt nice. But i tried the lo mai kai and green curry and potato thingy, and they were nice!
Then this very talk stick insect-like guy showed us the bunks! We could see that he brought a lot of bao yang products along haha, in his shelf. We asked him his height, he's 1.90m!!! Rahh, and his head is really small. He looks like some cartoon character where the artist likes to draw small rectangular heads, angular lanky arms, long rectangular legs and so on.
After that we went to the field!! There were some live firing and gas can throwing demonstrations! First there was the machine gun, which daniel, joyce and chiansiang tried out. Daniel was spasming man! The gun was shaking him like shaker fries.
Then kaiting and xiu hui tried throwing a fake exploding thing which exploded 6 seconds after being lighted, and a teacher threw the gas can thing.
Then Rody pulled some string which made this bright bright light which is for blinding enemies in the dark.
Finally, live firing for 12 ppl! 4 people went at a time and i, xr and 2 others went first... Well!!! I kinda got attacked by the gun -.- Cuz i aimed the same way i aim using my rifle [with my eye close to the scope, but with my specs on] SO I GOT A RECOIL TO MY FACE! RAH. the guy didnt warn me!!! My specs got a bit bent, i realised when i got home that the nose bridge thing was flattened on the side where i got attacked -.- No wonder it felt so weird!!! Then my gun stopped working!! I couldnt fire off, that reminds me of some problem guns we used to have in the range... So the guy fixed it and then it wasnt so fun cuz the 'enemies' who were crawling around the grass got up and walked around like it was all over!! Cuz i was the only one left there -.- So the guy helping me asked one guy to continue hiding so he did, and i lamely shot him with my remaining 12 rounds. And the guy asked me to put the gun butt on my shoulder instead of in the hollow of my shoulder! He thinks my arms are too short. Huiwei got that too.
Daniel was funny. He couldnt hit the guy so the guy went out in the open and lay right in front of daniel for him to shoot lol.
Then we went back to the hall where we took retarded photos with the manequins [thanks to me suggesting that we hold their hands] and then pictures pretending we're part of the air force [our heights are only the same as those in the poster when they are in a poster...]
Finally, the bus back to schoool... Not enough seats! Jiasheng, zheyu and zui qiu in one chair!! By the end of the trip jiasheng was sitting on zheyu and zuiqiu's lap lol.

The end... !!

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