Friday, October 31, 2008

Today on the way to elephant stable, the lost elephant was attacked by monkeys!! When we alighted from the bus at macRitchie, elephant noticed monkeys at the grass patch behind the railings at the bus stop. So I ran excitedly towards the monkeys! [towards the railing more like] And then saw 2 squirels too! But we were standing quite close to them and elephant was holding a subway drink [mmm, plastic, yummy] And i was about to whip out my phone for a photo when...


Elephant then finishes drink and throws it away and monkey takes it and starts eating.. the plastic straw :/

What an epic adventure!


Cip yesterday was scary at first. The kids were scarily violent, trying to throw wooden blocks at each other while we tried to keep them still. And this lil boy kept talking with his shoulders arched and his eyes BIG AND WIDE like trying to act scary [he thinks he's a cat arh] So i finally i had enough of it and went:

me: Why you keep talking like that huh?
me: you think very cool issit?
me: its totally not cool lor!
him: fades away a little
me: not cool at all

And then somehow he became a normal harmless little kid and i created an extensive mrt station with him with the blocks which he enjoyed.

me: you like playing train station?
him: ya

yea man.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Chair at Z-bar

Well, it started out as a boring night. The buses took so long to come! Homework and Pusa were already at night safari but i was still stuck with lost elephant at random busstop waiting for bus. Homework and Pusa helped us get tickets too so we made our way there after quite some time and then met them! Pusa suddenly agreed that we can all go together so we all went together!

First urm, homework and I were a bit lost wondering where you even enter the place. Then we thought you dont even need the ticket! But wishful thinking on our part -.- We finally found the entering place and went in! Decided to walk the normal trail before going on the tram.
The normal trail was just normal lor, no halloweeny stuff. Saw some cute animals! Like mousedeer! And ugly animals like Muggers, which we thought maybe kidnap from NJ. Piccys will speak for themselves. Hard to take pics though, cuz flash not allowed. Night mode gave some reasonable, seeable results i guess. Someone keep flashing though.
Then finally something exciting.. [urm, maybe only to me and homework]. The bridge of Suspense! Stupid chinese zombie was standing in the middle!!! Then we had to pass him to cross and homework and I were almost going to jump off the bridge... So i wanted to say, okok enough already, can you move aside now... I think he raahed homework and Pusa cuz they went first while elephant and I slid past after that. Then there was a long tongue zombie also, but he didnt come scare us whoohoo.

So that was the end part of the trail. We were deciding between animal show and tram but decided to go on tram cuz we have to miss either one cuz it was quite late, like 10 already.

The tram started out boring... the person speaking was having quite a strange accent but she was trying her best i guess. There were screaming people in the background music but other than that it was like a normal tram. We saw deer and elephants up close, outside the enclosure! and then capybaras! And a baby one!

And then... we entered the TORTURE CHAMBER [a real tortue -.-] where we started seeing manequins with sticks poked through them... fake blood... and then... STUPID PEOPLE WHO POPPED UP A THE SIDES OF THE TRAM TO SCARE YOU!! raahhh!!! It was dam scary okay! I hate that kind of stuff but i like that kind of stuff.
And i had to grab onto homework cuz SOMEONE was PLAYING with the scary people!!!! -.- Luckily homework and I decided to sit in the center.. If we sat at the side i think we would have rolled off the tram? And lucky didnt get the backseats too cuz THOSE SCARY PEOPLE GOT ONTO THE TRAM!!! Rahhhhh

We [homework and I] were exhausted by the end of the tram. Elephant had a good time patting the heads of those scary people while Pusa was laughing quite happily also -.- [i heARD him laughing]

After the tram was over, it was quite late. We looked around in the gift store and then it was already like 1115pm so i left with lost elephant while Pusa and Homework stayed behind to eat.
Gift store that makes white stuff luminous

Friday, October 24, 2008

Rahhh so many messed up club matters today!!! But i shall talk about happier stuff...

Qingyun's table soccer game is so fun!! I teamed with jiasheng and zuiqiu while huiwei, ama and qingyun were the other team cuz the other time it was like that when i wasnt there so they wanted to be against jiasheng and zuiqiu.

We took turns to be defender and then middle field then striker or whatever la. And it was so fun! So many close games!! And so noisy, we kept shouting...


Then went back to school and found that cannot train -.-

Thursday, October 23, 2008

was sleeping on the sofa just now and then had a new dreams that sorta occurred concurrently... first was with my sis on the roadside watching many of number 17 bus go past... They were mostly trucks and reconstructed junk moving along a congested road.. I feel like i dreamt of it before.. the wheels of the trucks had difficulty turning.. some of them were robot feet walking on the road..

And then there was this ride that i went on.. in a ship of bone, and it was flying above ground.. i was scared because there were no barriers on either side and it was just a flat piece of bone flying above a desert landscape.. Then suddenly it folded in upon itself and became enclosed.. And inside people were discussing history and ancestral issues and having lots of questions about the truth of things.. The bone became molded into seats and we just slid into them..

Forced myself awake because it was scary and also to check com. Actually went to slp but remembered something so came back on. The end.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yay today the trip to OCS was fun!

Officer cadet school field trip.

First we assembled in school. We were given a booklet and a pen that comes in two colours and has a postit attached to it. Quite cool. Then all the lieutenants and such came down from the atrium after assembly to grab a class. Yu Yan took our class! At first it was boring waiting, Charlyn told us ghost stories but when she ran out it got boring! So yuyan happened to ask if we were bored and i said yea. Then he thought i thought the trip was boring! But when he asked who actually wants to go on the trip nobody raised their hand [more like we dont wanna raise not that we really dont wanna go right!] So finally after a long long time we got to go on the bus.

Long long bus ride.. Got there and they gave us another goodie bag which had a bunch of random stuff and food! Jia sheng and Zuiqiu kept eating non-stop... XR also haha. Then we went into a hall which had exhibitions. We first saw this demonstration of some practice session where the soldiers had to land on their backs or something like that. Then it was to some chemical sth sth thingy. Jamie wanted to try the mask! So he made me help him ask [which i didnt mind since everyone could take funny photos of him after that!] So here is funny breadface!:
After the hall exhibitions we went into a room where they let us try using a funny torchlight that could see in the dark! It was quite cool, huiwei looked like a ghost. Everyone looked green and ghostly in infared mode.
Then there was food tasting! We got to taste the army food! Which i actually tasted before. Anyway they gave us some in cups and it tasted quite good man. I didnt try the pasta though, cuz huiwei said it wasnt nice. But i tried the lo mai kai and green curry and potato thingy, and they were nice!
Then this very talk stick insect-like guy showed us the bunks! We could see that he brought a lot of bao yang products along haha, in his shelf. We asked him his height, he's 1.90m!!! Rahh, and his head is really small. He looks like some cartoon character where the artist likes to draw small rectangular heads, angular lanky arms, long rectangular legs and so on.
After that we went to the field!! There were some live firing and gas can throwing demonstrations! First there was the machine gun, which daniel, joyce and chiansiang tried out. Daniel was spasming man! The gun was shaking him like shaker fries.
Then kaiting and xiu hui tried throwing a fake exploding thing which exploded 6 seconds after being lighted, and a teacher threw the gas can thing.
Then Rody pulled some string which made this bright bright light which is for blinding enemies in the dark.
Finally, live firing for 12 ppl! 4 people went at a time and i, xr and 2 others went first... Well!!! I kinda got attacked by the gun -.- Cuz i aimed the same way i aim using my rifle [with my eye close to the scope, but with my specs on] SO I GOT A RECOIL TO MY FACE! RAH. the guy didnt warn me!!! My specs got a bit bent, i realised when i got home that the nose bridge thing was flattened on the side where i got attacked -.- No wonder it felt so weird!!! Then my gun stopped working!! I couldnt fire off, that reminds me of some problem guns we used to have in the range... So the guy fixed it and then it wasnt so fun cuz the 'enemies' who were crawling around the grass got up and walked around like it was all over!! Cuz i was the only one left there -.- So the guy helping me asked one guy to continue hiding so he did, and i lamely shot him with my remaining 12 rounds. And the guy asked me to put the gun butt on my shoulder instead of in the hollow of my shoulder! He thinks my arms are too short. Huiwei got that too.
Daniel was funny. He couldnt hit the guy so the guy went out in the open and lay right in front of daniel for him to shoot lol.
Then we went back to the hall where we took retarded photos with the manequins [thanks to me suggesting that we hold their hands] and then pictures pretending we're part of the air force [our heights are only the same as those in the poster when they are in a poster...]
Finally, the bus back to schoool... Not enough seats! Jiasheng, zheyu and zui qiu in one chair!! By the end of the trip jiasheng was sitting on zheyu and zuiqiu's lap lol.

The end... !!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yesterday i was talking to xiu rong at queensway and i had an ice cream that was so tall it wanted to shoot her. It was leaning over the side and the counter auntie was commenting to the guy who made it that it was not tall enough.
Shoot xiu rong!

Actually she looks surprisingly happy considering she had just heard from joyce about their images not really being images! Almost everyone was dying over PW yesterday... cuz of some lack of info that wasnt told to us properly...

XR's group managed to salvage the situation though, so good for them. Me and XR met jamie at the bus stop and for a moment he wanted to freak out too cuz he had just printed his PW when we told him about the images thing. But apparently his group's one was fine.

So the next day my group was in school at normal time trying to get patrick tan's signature so we could complete our report.. And finally at 9+ Dr Lim appeared with it!! Yayy.. so we could go get it bound. So rody went to get it bound while i and daniel did the tech run. Unfortunately she accidentally left a few pages on the classroom table so after the auntie had bound it nicely for us we had to open it up again and include those missing pages.. And then we also realised that our labels were a bit wrong! We had 3 figures labled Fig. 2.5 and one diagram was labeled wrongly cuz after copying and pasting forgot to change the words. So had to correction tape and write..

People were like flying everywhere looking for cover pages and kristy's group was also doing their report in the classroom when... rody pointed out that the report supposed to be printed single sided! So they were like OH SHYT and started screaming, and then i smsed huiwei to tell her then they were also a bit oh shyt but too floaty to have a big reaction. Huiwei came flying along for a cover page and then my group people [since we had handed in our report already] went and called various teachers to find out about the double side single side thing.

Turned out that its BETTER to print single side.. but dont exactly need? They didnt even tell us properly anyway!!! So huiwei's group was lining up outside the printing shop and i met them there so joined them in queueing... Then they realised stuff missing from their WR and then i told them they needed to paginate the report also so there was quite some confusion again... And then the printing shop ran out of envelopes! And the bookshop didnt have any either! But haha ama somehow managed to pop up with not one but two! envelopes. So they used one of them and gave the other away. Rah why the school like that one can run out of envelopes for us...

Oh some mean teacher also actually thought that all the rush and confusion was the result of procrastination.. she doesnt know anything man.

Oh and i just woke up and i was still dreaming about running around with huiwei's group -.- Anyway tmr we are going on an excursion to OCS! yayyy [ok doesnt matter where we are going, but we are going on an excursion! So yayyyy]

Monday, October 20, 2008

xr got a cockroach on her shoulder while training today. I think she will elaborate it on her blog later. Stay tuned.

Ok. i think im getting fatter. And i keep forgetting to exercise, im so irresponsible man...

Pw is killing everyone, i keep hearing bad stuff about people's PW. And my group isnt that well off actually cuz we are over the word count just that we are not caring about it. Oh well.

I actually thought of a lot of stuff to write about but now i cant think of it again. Grah. My brain is failing me, like it always has, helping me to fail my chem over and over again.

Oh i think one thing was that my shooting is totally dying. Im so noob now. So sad. I still cant get things right yet. I think its right but its actually not and im gonna injure myself soon if i dont get it right. Even the gun shelf doesnt like me, it attacked me today.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

before i start on PW...


what happened was i went into the toilet.. and i accidentally knocked the plastic toilet holder thing when i was in the cubicle so i was like ops, then suddenly from outside there was this SLOWLY LA GIRL!! SLOWLY!! in a very impolite and i-just-feel-like-finding-fault-with-you tone. So i was like, ok, just tolerate dont say anything. Then i was tucking in my shirt so came out slowly and was walking slowly towards the tap. Then she said, GIRL WHY YOU SO SLOW?? wa lao! I was dam pissed off okay. i wanted to say but unfortunately didnt, AUNTIE, WHAT I DO IN TOILET IS YOUR PROBLEM MEH??? Then so i just washed my hands and flicked them, i dunno whether in the sink or not cuz i just wanted to LEAVE before i starting screaming at her AUNTIE YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR MOUTH OKAY!!! [before i stuff some toilet roll inside!!!] Apparently i missed the sink while flicking so she was like STUPID GIRL WHY YOU DROP THE WATER LIKE THAT [and i heard from kristy that she continued saying CHINA GIRL NO WONDER SO STUPID] OMG, what a totally UNCOUTH and UNCIVILIZED ANT EGG OKAY. I WAS ON THE BRINK OF SHOUTING AT HER AUNTIE YOU EAT ALREADY NOTHING TO DO ISSIT EVERYTIME COME AND FIND FAULT WITH PEOPLE AND SCOLD PEOPLE, SIT IN TOILET ALL DAY DOESNT MEAN YOUR MOUTH MUST BECOME LIKE TOILET BOWL YOU KNOW, FULL OF SHYT. she ought to be thrown out of the gates at once.

I HATE THAT TOILET AUNTIE. And every feedback session we complain about how she puts the cleaning in progress sign outside then parks her fat ass on a chair in the toilet and just vegetates there and NOBODY DOES ANYTHING. What??!?! Stop wasting the pay on such a rotten craphead man!!! And once i even heard her scolding people who were changing into their costumes, yelling at them to come out faster. Then the people inside were like saying, Auntie we are changing la how to faster! She think she owns the toilet or something, like as if she bought the land la. That area should just be walled up with her inside since she likes to plant her fattass there so much, only waddling out every now and then to put the cleaning in progress sign [like yea right, she can clean with her psychic powers, sit on chair can already.] SHE SHOULD BE DESTROYED!! DESTROYED!!!!!!

ok i am going to do PW now. Please forgive my tone and language im just so terribly pissed off.

Monday, October 13, 2008

This is how i am feeling now.

cute and cuddled up. Is a little bear.

spooky dog advancing towards you [is actually scratching herself]

spooky dog wants to eat you

Detective Dog Padi. Here to give the listening ear and the watchful eye. [who actually has large amount of saliva from frog poisoning because of the epic adventure you are about to see.]

Rah. I will terminate you.

The face off with Mr. Toad/Mrs. FROG whatever lar.

And... Padi wins! [Ok not very epic.]

Oh no, padi is emo cuz elephant keep taking pictures of her.

The End.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My first needle felted dog!!! Needle felting is like using a special needle to jab some fleece so that the fibres entangle and stay together. So yea. Jab jab jab. Not as nice as i wanted it to be!! It took me 3 and a half hours!! The nose is too big > <

this morning i had a dream but now i dont remember a lot of it, since the alarm clock broke me out from my dreamscene.
Anyway, the part i remember was that i was in a house with my sis, and i had dumped my school bag somewhere. We went outside and she said something like, theres a butterfly rampage cuz there were HUGE HUGE butterflies on the outside of the house and they were multicoloured with black outlines. They were dam nice, seriously, really very very pretty, like stained glass mosaics. Yes, thats what they looked like.
So i ran into the house and wanted to get my bag, but i forgot where i put it so i was running about, until i got to this room with an old man and he pointed, and then i remembered yea, thats where i put it. So i was runnin very fast in my dream, turning the corner just almost reaching my bagggg whennn... RINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

And everything faded away.
Stupid alarm clock!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

WA LAO. totally sucky day okay...

my legs are almost broken stupid shyt. hate my sense of direction.. keep getting lost. wth what is wrong with me i must walk the wrong way to know its the wrong way so that i can change direction. RAHHHHHH

i hate today. So sickening.

On a lighter note... AERIUS is the HOUSE CHAMPION finally!!! Yay! Thanks to us man, capts ball ppl, the crucial points!!

Ok i am very sian now. Aching all over again from pt too. stupid stupid stupid annoying.

And havent been able to train cuz of stupid stuff after school everytime. RAHHH...

Sunday, October 05, 2008

you know the main character of painted skin only appeared right right right at the end!! Main character!! so unfair! it could increase viewship, something so cute...

Uh yea im talking about the fox. Not the girl...

And i am aching all over from that captain's ball game... and on the leftside mostly -.- This shows how slack i've been man... When i get up i feel like 95 years old and above okay.. [although i dont know what that feels like, but my impression of it...]

Painted skin was kinda short? Like everything happened quite fast... like the fu ren only became white for a short while :/ Thought she might run around longer. And the cute white fox only appeared at the end. Sigh.

That was the highlight you know, how could they cut it short.

ok i having nothing much else to say, goodbye.

Friday, October 03, 2008


3 ANTS... [jiasheng, zhuochun, chiansiang]
2 HOBBITS... [eerised, charlyn]
1 STARFISHPLAYER... [huiwei]



The orange people were quite on man. At that time we didnt have our secret weapon yet, but jiasheng was not bad too! Zhuo chun was pro, running around all day. I think his arms can extend secretly. Chian Siang was like some kangaroo. With a large spoon. Like scooping balls away from people trying to score. And i guess charbi and i were just running around blocking people but heyhey we werent that slack okay!


The sunny happy people! Or maybe not that much. There was an orc on this team. With a constant black face, like it just came out of the oven or something. Seriously he looked so pissed off all the time. And he was so lousy, kept throwing the ball over the moon instead of to the captain. Whoarharharhar. Frown summore lar. The 2 hobbits felt like puking halfway! [must be the lemonade > <] so we had to get subs! And what else but a freshly baked cold cut trio... ok no, people subs. Which doesnt sound right either but, anyway! Our STARFISHPLAYER and HENTAI POWER helped us to own the game man!! [with the help of the other team being not very good.] WA hentai was not bad! Right place at the right time lol.


Man, this one was scary. It was the TERRA TALL TREES. [that sounds very very gay!] Anyway they had a tall defender and tall captain! Eek. We thought we were gonna lose man. But!! Me and charbi worked very hard to defend the people on the court lol. No chance man!! AND WE ALSO HAD OUR SECRET WEAPON [whom we managed to convince to help us] to come and catch all the balls! WHoo. And he sure did catch almost all of them. PRO!

okok lazy to type another weird line, so anyway we won this one and off to another game... the AQUA [whatever thing rhymes with aqua.]

And we won them. Oh and chiansiang spilled lemonade on me so i had additional sour power to last the rest of the games.

And then finally!! Arggg the hardest game of all? IGNIS. They had a jumping jack la, i managed to snatch the ball from him once though!!! But the keyword is once. But other than that, jason is just TOO fast. Ahhhh! We could have scored once when jiasheng was happily watching the other game rahh!!! So when i turned around to throw to him it flew right past him instead -.- And another time cs was mourning, so he didnt defend. But other than that! It was a valiant fight!! We only lost by 2 balls! [as quoted by charlyn: we lost by a guy!]

So yea. We managed to claim the pink towels and warm 100plus. Zhuochun was pro man. Jiasheng at first quite slack, slacking on the chair, but fudy forced him to run around! Anyway everyone was super enthu yay.
I now have 2 blueblacks and blisters! Lol. wrong kind of shoes huh. It's the inertia man, when you brake to stop then your toes just ram into the front of your shoes -.- I should get macdonald's shoes man.

ok thats all!! byebye.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

so terrible i am.

Was supposed to go find carrot seeds today but i didnt! cuz i didnt feel like going out at all..
nose kept runnning AGAIN!!! must be the construction work man, recently keep running and running -.- so annoying la why cant it change functions with my legs.

AND NOW HUIWEI HAS GONE TO DO SOMETHING ELSE!! rahh. no one to talk to now


Shall find something random to do zzz...

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

went out with homework and kukumalu today and man... kukumalu really asked a lot of kuku questions that made her so malu...

she totally stunt me with her questions so i shall not reveal what they were.


we walked and walked all day, typical of an outing with homework, and then homework had to go meet her friend and kukumalu had to go home for dinner so i was left alone, and i was going to go home then i remembered crispy telling me about artbox having elephant frenzy!~

So i went tampines artbox and yayyy they had so many elephant things so i bought an elephant schedule book and elephant notebook. yay thanks to crispy lol!