Monday, August 11, 2008

Haha this is gonna be long. Everyone just pretend that you are reading several posts and it is really not one post.

National Day Celebration 2008 in school. [The cupcake is what my sis's sch got]
I think the most fun thing we did all day was to blow bubbles into the sky. Especially when there was a lot of wind, you could just swing the bubble hoop in the air and the bubbles would form by themselves. The goodie bag they gave us was quite funnily crappy.There were clappers in it, which broke from one hand into 3 hands and some bubble soaps were weird and yellow. There was also a whistle in it which annoying people kept blowing and made us go deaf. While we were busy blowing bubbles and pasting tattoos randomly on people, the concert going on was like chao ji bian bian bian thingy by each house. I think aerius's was the nicest cuz got the most link with chao ji bian bian bian. Other houses either dunno whats the story line or they just dance dance dance [its not dance competition!!]. So basically we spent our time blowing bubbles and spilling bubble soap.

Then prize giving, they gave out the prize for the shoe!! I didnt even know what was happening cuz was happily blowing bubbles, then everyone was like, eh!! go go go!! go get prize!! and i was like huh?? what what? And some people in the class were like what shoe? And by the time we were all done whatting, someone else went and helped us take the prize and then passed it to us. It was so big and nice and soft, the package was. BUT! To our horror and dismay when we opened it, we found that it was just filled with one big pack of marshmallows, and one big pack of fruit plus!!!
So awesome lor the prize. So me and huiwei started taking the sweets and throwing them around [urm, think we kept hitting the same person lol] Ah but it was gratifying to see people pick them up! wahaha. I have sweets to last me half my lifetime...
After that actually wanted to go seoul garden with xiu rong and huiwei cuz xiu rong supposedly owe us treat haha. BUT, to our horror and dismay again, all were fully booked and walk in customers only allowed in at close to 2pm. But i had piano later on so couldnt stay so long. We went to eat at Jack's place instead. The food is such a rip off okay. Stupid crappy place. The only thing reasonably good was the dessert. Warm, melt in your mouthhh... I liked it but then again, xr and huiwei didnt very much, which also speaks of how good the place was.
After that went home.

At night went to watch movie with my sis! Journey to the center of the earth! It started at 10. And the movie was pretty dam nice, ignoring all the discrepancies. I shall not give a summary of it else this post will be way too long. It was basically very nice and full of stupid heart attack moments that made me jump in my seat more times than horror movies -.-

Saturday - Gaming convention + random cosplaying people
In the morning went with xr and anh to this gaming convention thingy which included cosplaying people. Walked around a bit and saw that the whole place was like about gaming! There was the world cyber games dunno what dunno what competition also. So there was nothing much for us and we wanted to leave early. But then the people got those cosplayers to go on stage and do poses. Omg, some of them were like totally.. urggg. unbelievably bad okay... Think the best looking ones were the ones with masks. Those looked pretty awesome. But the link one was nice. Then there was this super nice d-greyman group with people who actually looked nice, but there were technical errors and they didnt go on stage!! So sad...

Rahhh, so after that was over we just went for food. At macs -.- Cuz theres nothing to eat at a place like SUNTEC CITY.

Anyway after that i went to watch national day parade the cheating way. Actually just wanted to see the stupid heart -.-

Waited for chao long then saw some kites flying around.

Parachuters. Look like houseflies.

He's having fun.

Right above us.

Planes too fast can only catch the smoke.

Aha! Planes!

People get so excited at the almost crashing stunt.
He's having fun too.

Oh well, at least got to see the heart right before my eyes. [words of consolation.] Oh oh, and there was a rainbow too! Cuz it was drizzling before that. Nice big fat rainbow.

Then we stayed for the fireworks too. It was quite random. At first we just walked back after seeing the heart, and then halfway while walking they released some fireworks. So we stopped to watch. But after a few pops it stopped. So we continued walking. Then walk halfway see baybirds bobbing along. So stop and look also [the last one didnt have light > <]

Then we were trying to find a good place to see the main fireworks. So went to bridge there, and sat there and waited. THEN WE HEARD THE SOUND. shyt la the fireworks was like behind the stupid building in front of us -.- But luckily they just popped a few also. BIG PINK fireworks. Then stopped. So we moved to the other side and walked and walked until a reasonable spot. Waited for a while then got to see the fireworks! Yayy so nice so nice. They were like so sparkly and never ending and big and noisy. [At this point i yet again hate my phone more] Green red yellow golden even after they're gone they leave stars in the sky that keep on sparkling :D

After a looong looong popping of fireworks [with the small cheap thrill ones as described by someone randomly popping at one side], we left to go off. But then walk halfway, then start popping again! Golden showery fireworks. glittering their way into the dirty water below. A few only, then stopped again. So we continued walking. Then they played national anthem! And after that, pop again! pop pop pop. So we were like contemplating whether they were gonna randomly start popping again -.- But no cuz the host guy was like saying Thank you for coming! So we could go home! Whoo. So squeezy all the way into the station, but the mrt itself not that bad...

Yea, i hate my phone!!
Oh yea there were some tourists near us also, and they were dam irritating Like saying singaporeans dunno what they are waiting for but they have reasons cuz they are tourists! Pls la i think they have even less knowledge of what they are waiting for.

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