Saturday, July 05, 2008

so, i had this dream. In the dream, i decided to watch the end of evangelion, since xiu rong kept asking me to watch it. So i turned on the tv. There it was showing. But not quite it. :X

The blond girl was walking through a yellow walled hospital. Everyone was just doing their own stuff, like watching tv, wheeling stuff around etc. Joannah was there to but i forgot what she said to the girl. Suddenly, there was a werewolf, and it tore through the hallway and ripped everyone apart so there was the camera on the jaws of the werewolf swiping side to side with dismembered arms and legs in its jaws.

The girl ran away, out of the hospital, into the streets. There were like people who were like diseased, and covered in blood and moaning in pain crawling around. Newspapers creeped along the ground and paper flew about randomly in the wind. There was like a disease breakout. Everyone was dying. But the girl hadnt got it yet. There was this guy who made it out too, so they decided to escape together. They went into a safehouse, where they found this child. Creepy child with pale skin and black hair that was straight and eyes that were blank. They took her along, and went to see the council.

So turns out this girl and the guy were supposed to be trying to eradicate the city of the disease and the monsters. So they were telling the council fellow that chocolate will do the job.

"Chocolate will make it right." the girl said.

"Good plan." council guy said.

But somehow. actually chocolates will make the monsters more excited and crazy.

At this point in the show, i looked at my sis who was watching the show with me and said, "this is such a gross show." I looked at the clock and thought to myself. Ok i have training at 630pm.

So i continued watching the show. The girl, the guy and the creepy child went out of the council house and they met a woman. She had a baby with her and it was wrapped in a cloak. The woman needed to take two carriages to get to the safehouse. But the carriages were filled with monsters and werewolves and people were getting ripped up inside. So the guy told the woman to take the cloak and bring the child in. The woman was reluctant at first but in the end she put on the cloak and carried the child into the carriage. When she came out the first time, the child was gone, she was still alive. So the guy said, "good plan?"

But when she went into the second carriage, she came out and her face turned to the camera and her eyes were wide in shock and fear and her face was covered in blood and she looked so traumatised. The skin on her left arm was coming off and in her madness, she ripped it off herself. It came off in one whole piece. She went mad and chased after the blond girl. Like, she growled like a werewolf and became one, and pounded after the girl.

The blond girl ran back to the hospital, where everything had become dead and papers just flew around. She ran until the end of the hospital where there was like this operation room and there was a monster standing in front of the door. The blond girl ducked, and the woman who became a werewolf jumped over the girl and crashed into the glass panes of the operation room. Another werewolf flew out of the monster and chased after the blond girl. It caught her and ripped her apart.

Yea she died. And the creepy child got taken too. No idea what happened to the guy.

The show ended and i went to sleep and woke up at 930++ And i was like SHYT!! I MISSED TRAINING!! and went to my mom and say why you nvr wake me up for training??

Then i wake up for real...

Yea, so that was my dream :/ So vivid.

This is a slipshod drawing of the main characters in my dream. Didnt bother to colour the clothes also wahaha.

Yea, creepy kid, blond girl and guy.

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