Saturday, July 26, 2008

it's been sometime now. [the last thing i wrote was on 19th july and was the 219th post. 19 19!] i shall write something. Like for example my dream, again!

Again, i dont remember what the dream was about, only scenes in the dream. So i remember i needed to get to somewhere which was the 50th storey of a building, to save someone. But there were only 2 lifts, one went straight to the 50th storey, the other went straight to the 100th storey. I didnt know that at first, but i was rushing for time, so i just went into the lift that opened first. There was a girl in it and i saw the buttons on the lift and there was only 1 and 100. So i exclaimed this lift goes all the way to 100?? And the girl said, yes it does and laughed shrilly. The lift shot up and i was beginning to feel that feet on air feeling and i foresaw that i was gonna get freaked out by the time the lift reached the 100 storey. [It's like sitting in a cable car, its one of those kind of lifts that protrude out and have transparent windows, not hdb flat lift. And yea i have a fear of cable cars, usually sit on the floor when i ride one.] I dont remember if i ever made it up.

But i know the next dream was like, we went to thailand. We, being me, xiu rong, huiwei [i think there were others but i dont rmbr]. And i wanted to go to the toilet and so did they, so we were all searching for a toilet but the place was so obscure that the nearest toilet was at a place that we passed by earlier that looked quite run down and stuff, dark blue tiles that looked more like blue algae than blue paint. Actually there was a toilet where we were, but that toilet had no walls between the cubicle -.- So we went to the one with the dark blue tiles, which ALSO had no walls between the cubicles. But it had curtains instead! So it was 20cents to get in [though it should have been in baht] And at first i gave a 10c but it was wrong so i gave a 20c then the man asked me if i had one LARGE 50c coin, and it was really large, like, there was actually an image of it like the size of a pizza. I had one, for some reason, so i gave that instead. In return I got my house key, a 20c coin and a tiny silver fake sword. I dont know what that combi of things mean. So i went into the toilet. AND for some horrendous reason unspoken, i dropped my stuff into the dam toilet bowl! Meaning that i forgot i was ever holding them, so i dropped them into the toilet bowl some way or another. I looked into the dark blue ceramic toilet bowl and could see each of the items. I was just about to summon my greatest courage to pick them out when the toilet bowl became a some sort of treasure box instead. It was full of fake guns, like those decorative ones you place around the house, with designs on them. There was even one made of a thin sheet of metal, cut out into the shape of a long rifle, and with flowery patterns cut into its body, so it looked like a cake cutter. At this point i was already about to wake up. And i did, cuz i had to go for piano. And i DID have to go to the toilet too..

Ah, so those were my dreams for this morning.

As for any epic occurances in the week, well there was ONE. And the whole world knows about it and saw it but i must still write about it since they only saw it and didnt feel it.

Well, we had a house session on wednesday, and at first we were all quite skeptic and unenthu about it cuz well, its a house session. It started off with boring cheering, with a cheer that had no rhythm or rhyme whatsoever. But later on we were made to go to the field and make the letters of AERIUS. 04 did the letter U and it was TINY at first cuz some guys ran away to play bball. We got them fetched back and our U became more reasonable. Then chiansiang, feeling quite inadequate commented quite loudly that the class beside us, their S dam big leh. LOL. Me and huiwei burst out laughing man... he didnt even realise the implication of the way he said it until then. haha. Then he tried to correct it but failed. It just sounded like, well, what it sounded like no matter how he said it. lol. Anyway this part of the house session was quite cool since we never had anything like it before.

After that there was inter class capt's ball. SO, at first we had no class to play with! So we were monkey-ing around on our own, until the OGLs fetched a class to play with us. And we took a glance. WA!! ALL GUYS!!?? And one LARGE canoeist to boot. So we were like, OMG. And started acting dam enthu [about losing] and having great class spirit. We thought we were gonna die, maybe thats why we were being so enthu, you know, treasure the last moments of your life. BUT THEN, the guys from that class s01, which was my og group, were actually being quite slack cuz they UNDERESTIMATED US wahahaha. So they started off quite slack, but slowly as the game moved on, daniel started spreading his wings and propelling himself like 5feet off the ground, and chiansiang ran and slid about until the friction was going to melt the soles of his shoes, and our class was everywhere like ants on a battlefield and those guys were like, they're everywhere!

Being everywhere all the time, there must be moments when one accidentally overlaps the coordinates that the other is standing in. SO. Guy from other class has the ball. Guy from another class is going to receive it. Ball leaves Guy's hand. I run to intercept, daniel runs to intercept [from the entirely opposite direction]. I doubt we ever saw each other [i never saw him coming] I have no idea where the ball went, becuz i had a HEAD ON COLLISION with daniel!! We both collapsed to the floor under the force of the collision, and my head was totally ringing and i was seeing the stars, the sun and the moon. He hit the left side of my head and like a pendulum thingy the pain shot over to the right side, so my whole head was having a headache. As for daniel, i hit him in the chin [lol hit chinh's chin.] So he was saying that he got the hairpin shape on his chin. After i got hit and thrown to the floor, i jumped up and was like DANIEL ITS YOU!!! raaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh and there was a moment of confusion and then the game continued on. The headache went away after a while. And we also won the captain's ball game! Yay, got free food.

Anyway its not the first time something like that has happened to me. The first time was during Dunman Orientation, where there was captain's ball too. I was running to intercept, and so was Anthony, in the exact opposite direction. Yea so we collided, and Anthony, being made of stone, didnt even budge, but i was the one thrown to the floor -.- The effect was generally the same.

I shall not intercept in such a manner anymore. > <

ok this has been long enough so i shall end here! byebye.

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