Wednesday, May 07, 2008

There was sports day today, i ran 4x100 for house and 4x400 for cca.

the 4x400 one was really epic okay..

its like at first we didnt have to run cuz we didnt even make the heats, but some teams pulled out and in the end we still got in??! and we were all prepared to not run Y_Y

wu duo didnt bring a shirt, and shujen was too tired, so we changed people, dragged ailin and verene to run C: ailin super pro, glad we got her to run.

we were in lane 8, which is quite a horrible lane cuz it always seems to be longer.

So anyway ailin started off quite good, we werent very far back, but then we started lagging O: by the time it was my turn [me fourth runner Y_Y cuz i lost scissors paper stone to sinhang [aiya dunno how to spell her name X:]] we were 7th!! gosh. rahhhh then my turn, then i think the ppl when they started they ran quite fast :/ so at the 200m mark i caught up with one person.. at 300m another person... then after that another person... 3 ppl!!! wahhaha!! but i was dying by that time, like reallyyyy dyingggg, i forced myself past that last person that i caught up with... then like a few steps away from the finish line my legs like wanted to give way!! rahh.. then i think i slowed down!!! then suddenly this blue shadow from nowhere just PUSHED past me!!! NOOH1!!!!!! then we got forth!!!! arhhhhgggg.... becuz i slowed down!!!! wth laa... it was SOOO close!!!

aiya nvm. i love the milo truck.

Aerius got 3rd overall C:

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