Saturday, June 18, 2011


I had a weird dream, as usual. There was a carnival and i was running around having fun, and there were all kinds of cool exhibits and games and stuff. And then I bought a rabbit stuffed toy which was really heavy, it was like carrying a small sack of sand. but somehow i lugged it around willingly. Then i saw a exhibit with a headless man wearing a sit, sitting at a classic study table, animated to write. There was also an animated kitten on the table. And then i was like, ooo! a hollowman exhibit! Actually i thought of it more like Skinner from league of extraordinary gentlemen. So i went near the exhibit and it was okay, until i went up from behind Mr. Skinner, then he was animated to turn around [at least you can see the clothing turning] and i got a heart attack and ran away to tell my friends about it.

So that's the first part of the dream i remember.

The other part is that it started to rain, so we had to rush off to find shelter. I was running with honey. I remember seeing a lot of little trinket stalls as i rushed through the fair, and it was much like a pasar malam, but arranged in a more complicated way. So we ran and ran, and then there was this bus game thing. We had to climb up this slightly high ledge to get across to the other side. I was carrying the crazy heavy bunny, so i had some trouble climbing it at first, but then i managed to get up halfway and honey helped to pull me up. I saw bus seats at the top of the ledge and there were a bunch of ppl hanging around there. I only remember looking around at the scene with the blue foldable bus seats [those in europe] and the people hanging around them. I don't remember what happened after this anymore.

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