Sunday, April 17, 2011

Accompanying Accomplishments

yay! just spent 4 hours and 20minutes summarising ONE chapter of the psychology textbook. Hooray! What an achievement! That's 4.5minutes per page and it seems long but when i was doing i felt like i was going as fast as i could already. scribbling away in ants handwriting, resisting all the temptations to sleep or wander off into another realm!

But on a sadder note, that's merely one chapter. And i dont even know if i can remember most of the stuff i scribbled. But nvm, that's a problem for later.

Yesterday i did two chapters with the great encouragement of my honeybunches of oats and also a funny encounter with a kid in the library, whose mother sent him over to see the "studying jiejie". So strange! So random! The mother just asked him to come over and so he did, and i really wanted to poke him in the stomach, so i did, and then he poked himself and laughed! So funny was he. Then i showed him how to cap and uncap a pen which he thoroughly enjoyed, and gave him paper to scribble all over, but he reached for my textbook and my notes sometimes. And when his mother called him away to stop disturbing me anymore, he was super sad! He went and emoed with his face in her leg! So she let him come back and he scribbled more and finally when he started drawing on the table his mother hurriedly swept him away to go walk around outside.
So with cheerful goodbyes, we parted company. He looked especially cute cuz he had fallen down in the morning, according to his mother, and his lip was swollen a little so he had a constant pout. It's not sadistic or anything but he really looked like a little duckling.

I also ate the blueberry pancakes KFC breakfast and it was very very nice! Yes it was very very ex as well, but at least they didnt just give like 3 blueberries in the pancakes or sth. The blueberries were evenly interspersed throughout the pancakes and the scrambled egg was really tasty and soft and delightful and sunshine yellow. I probably need to eat macs scrambled eggs and kfc scrambled eggs to compare for sure which is better, but for now i shall shallowly claim KFC's is better cuz their pancakes are awesome.

Yesterday i also got another hat for keeping warm in paris and a scarf, hopefully that will also be helpful. Yes, it was a day of many accomplishments and happy memories that one shall keep for a long long time and forever after.

Now is a much earned slacking time which i shall spend planning a paris packing list!


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