Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Don't think I've ever had such a shytty day of work since laopokeye came to 'help'. Today I realised why boss3 does not like working with MIss. China. I was fine with her occasional temper tantrums but today was the last straw. She is so dam immature and retarded in the sense that she acts like some bludy spoilt child and today it just hit the edges of my nerves, HARD. She made some exclamation like I should have told her if I had already taken a certain order cuz she made a double of it and then proceeded to wash things noisily and slam te chopping board down and shyt like that while I calmly served the wide-eyed customers. Eat crap la can't you keep your complaints to yourself. All she frickin does at work everyday is to complain how little she gets out of life and how badly she is treated and how disatisfied she is. Please la, at least you have a frickin job can. Stupid shyt I'm like frickin busy at the counter and you cAn't even use your dam eyes to see what I made or if you don't know can't you fricking ask since your mouth so big and you like to talk so much. Dammit I was so pissed off but I had to stay calm an serve the river of customers while she threw a tantrum at the back of the store. Lousy shyt!!! I'm so frustrated!! If you think you do everything so perfectly bluddy well run the shop yourself please!!!!

I can't stand you and your screaming no more!! Especially in your high pitched ear piercing china-nese!!!!

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