Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Don't think I've ever had such a shytty day of work since laopokeye came to 'help'. Today I realised why boss3 does not like working with MIss. China. I was fine with her occasional temper tantrums but today was the last straw. She is so dam immature and retarded in the sense that she acts like some bludy spoilt child and today it just hit the edges of my nerves, HARD. She made some exclamation like I should have told her if I had already taken a certain order cuz she made a double of it and then proceeded to wash things noisily and slam te chopping board down and shyt like that while I calmly served the wide-eyed customers. Eat crap la can't you keep your complaints to yourself. All she frickin does at work everyday is to complain how little she gets out of life and how badly she is treated and how disatisfied she is. Please la, at least you have a frickin job can. Stupid shyt I'm like frickin busy at the counter and you cAn't even use your dam eyes to see what I made or if you don't know can't you fricking ask since your mouth so big and you like to talk so much. Dammit I was so pissed off but I had to stay calm an serve the river of customers while she threw a tantrum at the back of the store. Lousy shyt!!! I'm so frustrated!! If you think you do everything so perfectly bluddy well run the shop yourself please!!!!

I can't stand you and your screaming no more!! Especially in your high pitched ear piercing china-nese!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

oh yeaaa. right.. a lesser wrong makes it NOT BAD.

what's wrong with your brain seriously?

stop acting so as if you're so concerned about other's feelings when truly, you dont even realise that you already dont care.


Monday, June 14, 2010

I haven't had such fun with such satisfying company in such a long long time and really, it made me more happy than I've been in again, a long long time. I didn't realise how much I missed this company until today when I got to see them again. Oh, how I will miss this more than ever now! Miss not having school and such joyous people around me! I fear that everyone(including me) will be so busy studying in uni that things will never lighten up and I will never find such a colourful life again.

I hope I can always return to this company and always feel the same happy way about being here..

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I cannot imagine the day (if it comes) where I will be waking up for work every morning of my life for an infinite period of time until I reach prune stage and become a dispensible old crinkly soul. I can't imgaine when there won't be school forever and ever! What a sad thing it seems now that I miss it so! I miss carrying a backpack everywhere I go with notes and books and notebooks lining every compartment of my ever-expandable bag and energy bars stuffed in particular nooks and crannies. I miss going home tired from learning too much. Now I'm just going home tired from not thinking and just moving, like a robot but really not quite because robots wouldn't get tired would they? I'm waiting at the counter but there's nobody at this time to come and make me run around at their mercy. All I can do is exercise my brain with a little bit of ranting and a little bit of writing. I would like to read some biology textbook when I have some free time, it's just about the moment to start preparing for school again, another surge of intellectual material to flood into the brain! The brain which may not absorb so readily after months and months of stagnation!

Reminder to drink more water.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Today's centipede count was at an all time high with 15 centipedes seen within walking that single stretch of road to tanah merah mrt. Wonder where they're all coming from?

Eating porridge everyday is very good.

Drink water. Drink water.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Ow. My head is bursting like an over ripe strawberry.

If only the flu could make me fly,
then mr. Flu I would be much more welcoming of you.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

i watched nightmare on elm street today.

been such a long time since i last watched a horror movie! as usual the effects wore off after the movie ended, and everything was fine and dandy.

during the movie itself i had a few scares. The movie was packed full of suspenseful moments with suitable use of tension-building music and stuff like that which gave quite a satisfying horror effect overall. It reminded me a little of Halloween, except that the guy wasnt quite so innocent in this case. I didnt like that the people were dying so fast though, that reminded me of final destination which has a rubbishy storyline.

but it was appropriately gory, not over the top gory, and quite nice la.


no, my problems sleeping dont have anything to do with such a horrifying experience.