Saturday, January 30, 2010

Just now, after catching a Halibut in Island Paradise, i wiki-ed it, and it led me to wiki Pollock, which is what i named one of my fish in Fishville, and that led me to 'fathom' which is a unit of measurement, mostly for water. New to me, cuz I only know I use it when 'i cannot fathom an idea'.

A fathom is 6 feet and when burying people it is customary to bury them a fathom underground! [six feet under]

Somehow i vaguely remember the word 'fathom' being used as a measurement for water in one of those whimsical poems about the sea, i read a long long time ago when the sky was still dark at 6:50am. But that piece of knowledge has slipped out of my mind since, and I guess, re-entered now.

I'm bored!! I have a cough.

I was sick yesterday and didn't go to work!


Can i have some twister fries?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I've waited so long for nothing
It's time to end this fight

The fight in my mind is something
That keeps me awake all night

It's this that keeps me thinking
And so my dreams can't take flight

This something that comes out from nothing
I'd wish it be out of sight.

Maybe I'm just not anything. Anything at all. Maybe I'm just imagining my whole world. But it's really just me in a glass ball. And a tv controller and buttons that control all.

My world is grey. All the colour has been sucked away. I'm lost because everything looks the same. Like I've been here before, but not quite.

And I can't find my way.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Is this all new to you?
Why do you hesitate?
Just concentrate... and wait.

It will all come to you...
Just as you wish it to

Slowly but surely it will all come through.
Just like the weeds in the dead well, they grew,
Now close your eyes and we'll fade away like black butterflies,
Dreaming of who we thought we knew.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My mind is so blank now but I have nothing else to do.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Horrible woman! My ex-boss is a horrible, conniving, cunning woman! She cheated me and cheeseburger of our pay! I'm gonna confront her about it tomorrow. No way is she making me do slave labour for her! Not in this day and age! She claims that work ends promptly at 3.30 everyday, no matter how long we stay! Well, my work signing in and out time clearly states 11-2, 11-3.30, and well the last one is 10-4. For $7 an hour, any bloke can tell you how much I should be getting. If she can't do simple math, she shouldn't be having a business. 3 hours + 4.5hours + 6 hours. Times 7. Ninety-Four point Five!! She only paid me SEVENTY. WALAO. cheat my money!!! Even if you minus half an hour from the supposed 3.30 we are supposed to stop at, how in the world do you get 70??? Is she using a different number system perhaps?? Plus we are not even supposed to be giving out stinkin flyers!!! Her oh-so-grand advertisement says " we wil teach you how a great salad should be served " [Oh look, can't spell also.] And what does she make us do? GIVE OUT FLYERS. WEEK AFTER WEEK. I couldn't take her nonsense so i QUIT one fine day when she said FLYERS again. That is certainly NOT what she claimed in her advert. And there was NOTHING about slave work or flyer distribution. "Needs energetic and fun part time staff to work the Salad and sandwich counters." If their salad counters were along the streets and outside the MRT station, well I wouldn't fault her would I. By the way they post like ad after ad like they are so desperate for workers but the stupid thing is she tells her workers not to come on some days. The stupidest is, after i quit, she still called me up and asked me if i wanted to work in the shop??? Well, that's not the stupid part. The stupid part is she told Cheeseburger he didn't have to work that day when he was still putting up with her and did not quit like I did. She told the one who didn't quit that he didn't have to come to work, she told me, who quit, to come to work? What kind of rubbish logic is that?? As you can see, she is a liar and a cheat. And there is sufficient proof for that. She's also patronizing and is nice to all the ang mohs, which are her regular customers, well because they don't see what a cheat she is behind the scenes. I WISH THEY WOULD NOT GET CHEATED BY HER 85 CENTS CABBAGE BEING SERVED IN HER EIGHT-FIFTY SALAD! Ok to be fair, she has many ingredients but they are all like SUPER CHEAP VEGGIES. Sigh okayokay that is not my problem really. I'm just pissed off.

I just smsed her and she spelt 'write' as 'right'. WAPIANG. jiu ming ah.

OMG! She said she will re-check and put smiley face summore. WHAT A FAKE-O. She just bully cheeseburger [I wasn't there when she gave the cheat money pay]. BUT NO WAY WILL SHE BULLY ME!!!

She will get back to me [didn't say when.] GAHHHHH.

I wonder how many people she cheated already!!!! The other time she gave me 77 instead of 87. I assume she was so flustered she forgot it was 87 3 seconds after counting the hours. Of cuz I told her she mis-paid me. That was still fine. BUT AGAIN?? I wonder if she is pretending!!! So she can short-change her poor workers if they don't speak up!

GAH. WHat a horrible woman! I cannot stand her! Just want to have nothing to do with her but she still owes me money!!

DId i mention [no i did not, so i shall now] that when she doesn't need to you to work, she only smses you/calls you on the MORNING ITSELF??? I pity those people who are halfway on the MRT already!! One dollar plus MRT fare wasted just because of an irresponsible boss!! Waste your time waste your energy waste your phone bill. And then cheat your money.


*takes deep breath.*


Sunday, January 17, 2010

The ocelot kitten has got to be the epitome of cuteness. There can be none that could surpass its cuteness! It's unbearable! It's cuteness cannot be held within oneself but expressed! One day they will take over the world with their cuteness.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Oh what is this little voice that speaks inside of me,
Telling me my life's such a dramatic irony
Someone with a sad and sorry heart as weak as mine,
Could to its pleading, drawing me away, n'er be more blind.
Weakened by this newly found once strengthening belief,
if i could go i'll go once and for all and rest in peace.