Sunday, April 27, 2008

rah! i havent been here for some time now... anyhows maybe i should start thinking of stuff that i havent written about. hhmm! oh oh oh. my weird dream. again! yup, another weird dream..

ok it went like this.. i went to sleep, at around 1+ i think, on saturday MORNING. yea, and then my sis came into the room and she asked to switch on the light for a while and so i said okay. Then later when she offed it, she came back after a while and switched on her com. I could see the faint orangey light from where i was [on the 2nd storey of double decker bed] and i could hear her typing. Everything normal for now? yes normal.

then, i drifted in and out of sleep, and everytime i drifted out, i woke to hear my sis typing, and i opened my eyes to see the faint orange light. At one point i dreamt of being in math class and saw that someone had left behind a whole array of orientation fullscap. I wanted to take some, cuz that day i was trying to find nice fullscap but failed. Anyway i drifted out again, saw the light, heard the typing, and drifted back.

Then at another point, suddenly there was this raccoon scampering across the edge of my bed. It looked more like a weasel cuz it was pretty elongated, but it had the markings of a raccoon. And i identified it as a raccoon. I was telling my sis hey come and see theres a raccoon on my bed! And i saw the orange light, and i heard the typing. I tried to prevent the raccoon from running away, but it turned around and bit me. I literally went ow ow ow in my dream, and i really felt its bite. And moved my hand. [the left hand] Then i 'woke up'. the raccoon was actually a rubber band that got wrapped around my hand accidentally [rmbr i wear rubber bands on my wrist] And then i WOKE UP. And realised i dont wear rubber bands on my left hand. O: And when i WOKE UP, there was no orange light, no typing, my sis wasnt even in the room or using the com. All the time i woke up, i woke up in my dream. Not in real life. Oh gosh. And it felt so real.

eep. eep.eep.

yay theres half day tmr! sch ends at 120! hooray. too bad for those who end sch at 2 lolol. or 1230. so sad.

ok that was random. grah, my leg has the tiredness that cannot be rested! do you know whats that? its like this really really suan feeling, and no matter how you relax, it persists! And its horribly suan. rah!

urm okay. time to blog in rifle girls blog for monthly shoot and cdans? but a bit long ago :X


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