Wednesday, February 06, 2008

i must write about sunday! since i havent, and since it was such a good day.
we had a class gathering and it was steamboat at lava's house. at first i went to vivo but it was too early so i went to xiu rong's house, wherein i met my new friend, stripey yellow cat[a larger sized bought-in-japan version of small yellow cat that i have]. yes it was sitting on the table innocently when i picked it up after which xiu rong told me that was for me. and then there was this tube of mini m&ms, and it was 3/4 empty. Xiu rong told me she had bought it for me initially but it couldnt fit in the wrapping so she ate it!! she ate it!! :O and she bought meiji milk for me, but realised it was coffee flavoured so she drank it!! yes she did! :S
anyway after that we went to meet everyone else at vivo and i saw one of my ex-classmates there too. got uber cute stufftoy and stamp thingy from kristy and minlu. then huiwei kept boasting about her giant rabbit that she bought although xiu rong insisted that hers was the pirated version of hers[xr's].
when we got to lava's house, i met my other new friends, giant yellow rabbit and giant tofuman. now i have 5 of the lengthy-limbed critters at home! gosh. huiwei didnt know i have a giant green rabbit! but nvm its so uber cute it doesnt matter how many there are. giant tofuman was given by the scholarly group of scholars!
we had steamboat and it was rather messy with food being flung left and right and random times where the cover of the pot comes off and one person-in-charge of each side of the table reaches out and grabs food for people on that side of the table. it was really squashy too with people sitting on half a chair with their legs randomly placed above and below but it was all funny and fun :D

zui qiu and his pet dog are so loving

then we went up to the rooftop and... there was a reaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyy nice surprise!! Joyce called huiwei away. i wanted to follow but somehow i didnt. and then huiwei came out carrying a cake!! it was heart-shaped and dark chocolate and hazelnut flavoured!!! my fav flavours!~~ wa, she purposely went to find lehh... and it tasted. AWESOME. it tasted a bit alcohol-ish, but it could be the weird fruits inside [couldnt tell it was rather pitch dark.] then we lighted tealight candles and carried them around yay, coolest birthday ever.

lousy picture of awesome cake

yea went home after that carrying all my new friends :D

my old friends and new friends

we hold stardust in our hands

plus next day got SEVENTEEN kinder buenos man. jaw drop* so shocked.

anyway, thanks thanks thanks to everyone especially huiwei who purposely went to find a cake with BOTH my favourite flavours! for the awesomest birthday ever.

tealight candle '04'

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