Sunday, July 22, 2007

So the little people, the new breed of the metallica generation said:

"Crown us with feathers
Let us be wrapped in armour and wield shields of blue, green, red, yellow, orange
Let long elegant capes of silk flow down our backs
Let us hold fire in one hand and ice in the other
Let us have the claws of the tiger
Let us have the eyes of an eagle
Teach us the dance of courtship
Teach us the languages of the other kinds
Teach us songs
Make us as wonderful,
as wonderful as the birds of paradise,

the creatures of the past.

We will not succumb to gravity like they did
We have no fear of insticts for we are programmed
Most of all, We have no fear of humans destroying our habitat for we have none

But if only we could see those magnificent creatures once again
Dancing in their costumes burning bright with a multitude of colours
Dancing for their lives
Dancing for new lives to be born
An endless display of their iridescant complexion.

Teach us to love and conserve."

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