Friday, July 13, 2007

i feel like a stone.

Today went to sungei buloh for enrichment. So lonely. Because i was in a different group from crispy and xr[who were together]. haiz. But there was 06 amanda and 01 sheena who were quite friendly so it wasn't so bad.

Actually i expected to see more but we only saw like, lots of tree crabs and big fat mudskippers. That was quite cool luh, since i only know mudskippers for being as big as a finger. There you can see them as long as your arm and as fat as two arms put together. Looks quite disgusting when its big la, but it looks cute swimming. Makes you want to squeeze them.

Other than that didn't see much. Other groups got to see sea snakes though. But my group was the last to go to that particular station so the tide was already too low to see anything.

Oh yea we saw big fat moniter lizards too.

Miss Tay asked me whether i was huiwei or desiree Y_Y. We don't look alike anymore laa.. And then i accidentally called her miss yeo and she said shes gonna call me huiwei now. NOooooooooooooooooooooo...

And then xr and kristy were having some weird discussion in the buss T_T...

oh yea, the food there is so dam ex. Like 7.90. And guess what seafood consists of! FISHBALLS and CRABSTICK la. T_T. So waste money. But i shared with amanda and sheena.
The hen duo qian xiu rong bought some dunno what fries for 4.50 man.
I should have just ate ice cream for lunch.

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