Tuesday, July 31, 2007


went to watch pa-pu-ri-ka after my piano exam today. it was nice! Interesting show...

Im gonna spoil it so if you don't want it to be spoilt don't continue reading ok.

you sure you wanna read arh.

ok here goes.
it's about this person in a psychology place who invented a device called a DC mini which could be used to enter people's minds while they were sleeping to see their dreams, which could be displayed on a com.

Unfortunately, 3 of them got stolen and were being misused to take over the world by merging dreams with reality. People started to fall into other's dreams even while awake, especially those with more close contact with the DC mini i.e. people who worked in the company. Some people went mad and started saying weird stuff which came from the evil person who stole the DC mini's dream.

Dr Chiba is a researcher at the psychology place as well and she enters people's dreams using her subconscious, Paprika. She and Paprika are like two totally different people cuz Dr Chiba is serious and all and Paprika is more cheerful.

So Dr Chiba and the person who invented the DC mini, Dr Tokita went to find the person who stole the DC minis by observing someone who fell victim to them, who was their Chief. In his dream, which was not really his, they saw another doctor and so they went to find that doctor. At his house Dr Chiba fell victim also and found herself in a dream but she didnt know it and almost ended up tiao-ing lou. So they concluded that people who were more in touch with the DC mini were more susceptible to falling victim to it that's why Dr Chiba could have the dream even while she was awake.

It turned out that doctor was also a victim and they were all stuck in this evil person's dream of dancing refrigerators and unbrellas and a throne that sat on top of tons of wooden dolls.

Because the doctor in the dream was Dr Tokita's assisstant, Dr Tokita decided to enter the dream to ask whether he was a victim or the culprit. But he ended up getting stuck in the dream himself.

So in the end Dr Chiba went into their dreams by Paprika and managed to find the culprit, who was the chairman of the company. She also found out that another fellow doctor was like a slave of the Chairman or something and he collected butterflies. This Doctor guy liked Dr Chiba so in the dream he captured Paprika and tore her in two and there was Dr Chiba inside, unconscious. When he was gonna do something sick the chairman suddenly grew his head from the Dr's shoulder and wanted to kill Dr Chiba. But the guy Doctor didnt want that to happen of course and ended up fighting with the Chairman. Meanwhile, this other guy who was getting treated by Paprika for his strange dreams forced his way into the dream and took Dr Chiba away. The guy doctor's head then exploded into a burst of blue butterflies which went swarming after the cop guy who took Dr Chiba away. So of course he ran away la. But after the Chief told the cop guy to return to his own dream, the cop guy made the doctor guy scared of him and shot him.

He thought everything was over.

By that time dreams and reality were already merging and for some reason, Paprika thought of this link, life and death, dreams and reality, man and... woman! so she floated into the body of Dr Tokita, who was a robot in the dream and out popped this baby who started sucking up all the dreams and in the end sucked up the chairman as well, who was at that point this huge translucent black skeletal thing.

Now it really ended. All the dreams started disappearing from the real world. hooray.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

yay same shyt different day is showing

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

walked home in the rain today.

it wasn't raining but it was when i got to tanah merah. I didn't like walk in the rain to enhance the atmosphere or something dumb like that.

wonder if the skies try to match the weather with the moods of the people that walk beneath it and look up?

what makes a person good at something?

all may have seemed good but nothing was good since yesterday..

met jeremy on the mrt. managed to forget some things.

but not for long.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

So the little people, the new breed of the metallica generation said:

"Crown us with feathers
Let us be wrapped in armour and wield shields of blue, green, red, yellow, orange
Let long elegant capes of silk flow down our backs
Let us hold fire in one hand and ice in the other
Let us have the claws of the tiger
Let us have the eyes of an eagle
Teach us the dance of courtship
Teach us the languages of the other kinds
Teach us songs
Make us as wonderful,
as wonderful as the birds of paradise,

the creatures of the past.

We will not succumb to gravity like they did
We have no fear of insticts for we are programmed
Most of all, We have no fear of humans destroying our habitat for we have none

But if only we could see those magnificent creatures once again
Dancing in their costumes burning bright with a multitude of colours
Dancing for their lives
Dancing for new lives to be born
An endless display of their iridescant complexion.

Teach us to love and conserve."

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

my heart burns..
There's a fire in my eyes
Everytime I hear that name...
Life's not about hating
But mine seems to be
It's a shame...
To be caught in confusion
It's inferiority.
Lower rank, lower degree.
Not knowing what's really true
When will the world know
When will they truly see you.

And unravel all your darkest secrets...
hate.. hate.. my hate deep inside... the hatred i have to hide..

it's like i was born to hate.

Can there be anything more wrong with me?

Friday, July 13, 2007

i feel like a stone.

Today went to sungei buloh for enrichment. So lonely. Because i was in a different group from crispy and xr[who were together]. haiz. But there was 06 amanda and 01 sheena who were quite friendly so it wasn't so bad.

Actually i expected to see more but we only saw like, lots of tree crabs and big fat mudskippers. That was quite cool luh, since i only know mudskippers for being as big as a finger. There you can see them as long as your arm and as fat as two arms put together. Looks quite disgusting when its big la, but it looks cute swimming. Makes you want to squeeze them.

Other than that didn't see much. Other groups got to see sea snakes though. But my group was the last to go to that particular station so the tide was already too low to see anything.

Oh yea we saw big fat moniter lizards too.

Miss Tay asked me whether i was huiwei or desiree Y_Y. We don't look alike anymore laa.. And then i accidentally called her miss yeo and she said shes gonna call me huiwei now. NOooooooooooooooooooooo...

And then xr and kristy were having some weird discussion in the buss T_T...

oh yea, the food there is so dam ex. Like 7.90. And guess what seafood consists of! FISHBALLS and CRABSTICK la. T_T. So waste money. But i shared with amanda and sheena.
The hen duo qian xiu rong bought some dunno what fries for 4.50 man.
I should have just ate ice cream for lunch.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

1. If you were a bird, which bird would you be?


2. Which town would you choose to die in?

Land of hobbits

3. If you could be someone famous, who would you be?


4. Name the 3 famous people you admire the most.

mm some friends la. quite famous Y_Y like some elephants and some birds T_T

5. If you choose to know when you'll die, would you do so?

Uhh.. because i'll be too busy worrying about how its gonna happen [since i only get to know when and not how] that i won't be able to live life properly and as the day draws nearer.. i'll just be thinking im gonna die! im gonna die! which will be a waste of time.

6. If you had to sing a well-known song about your life, which song would you choose?

when my time comes, forget the wrong that iveee donee, help me leave behind somee reasons to be missedd...

7. Which fictional hero do you resemble the most?

umm.. pikachu? since people keep saying im like a hamster :/

8. Which fictional villain would you want to be?

i don't knoww.. don't know a lot of fictional villans to choose from

9. At what age do you think you'll die?

i think i'll die at like 80+, since my grandparents lasted until 90+

10. Would you change faces with someone else?

Nah. it'll be mah fan to try convince people that im me and not the person i changed faces with

11. You've been granted 3 wishes, what are they?

Able to remember all the things i study for exam.. a trip to the moon.. get a healthy and obedient dog

12. You have absolute power in your country for one hour:

I have no idea what to do sia. I'll just mess up the whole place.

13. What job would you do if you could choose anything?

Designer of anything.

14. What is your worst fear?

To be alone. And especially if its dark.

13. Which has been the best day of your life so far?

i don't know actually. Don't remember. haha.

16. Which has been the worst day of your life so far?

Knowing about something seriously bad first thing in the morning...

17. Describe the worst nightmare you have ever had.

Getting chased by ghosts to complete quests and not being allowed to sleep until i completed them. I couldnt fall asleep yet i was dreaming. Stuck in a half-asleep state. So dam scary.

18. Think about something from your past that embarrasses you even now.

Don't know.

19. Would you sincerely like to be rich?

Sincerely yes. There's people i'll be able to help more if i had money.

20. You have one month to live, plan the rest of your life.

if i have only one month to live there's no point planning the rest of my life. Just write a will and go out and play everyday.