Friday, May 11, 2007


YES. I am so happy now. The most gruelling, digusting, crappy, torturous, ultimate killer week of my entire life is finally over! Or at least, i think that since recent times, this has been the worst week of my life, ever.

Ok, so why am i saying this. Because first of all, it started off with a fever. This fever started on the friday of the week before. I suspect its from the archery thing that we went to help out at and i got totally fried in the brain or something because i found that my temperature was 39.3 that night. So i went to sleep hoping that it would go away the next day since it was just because of getting fried. But noooh.. it decided to stay on. And i lay in bed wasting the whole day away all Saturday, taking my temperature everytime i woke up. I think i woke up about 10 times or something cuz i just woke up, went back to sleep and so on.. My temperature hopped here and there around 38.8 to 39.4 for the whole of saturday. I was hungry but i couldnt eat and i didn't know why. I just ate some biscuits. Then after that when i woke up i suddenly felt better and my temperature was down to 37.8 or something like that so i got up and went to do my homework, which i had a lot of. So i did my binomial homework.. drew two graphs for chem and found the values for k and n... and so on... and then, the next thing i knew, my temperature was back to 38.6. Y_Y So i had to go back to sleep again. To make things worse, i had to go for an Econs project meeting on Sunday...
So on Sunday i woke up nice and early so that i could get to YCK MRT by 1000h. I still had a fever but i couldn't care much about it because there were more important things to care about. So we spent the whole day doing econs until like 7 when i left for home and reached home at like 9 or so. Then i forgot what i did at home.
On Monday there was coach training, where the coach came about 45min-1hr late so we started without her first. Train train train... My shooting was... weird i think, i wasn't really shooting that great. It's quite confusing, i was doing fine at first but after the coach came and shifted my arm, it all became shytted up. And even when i tried to change back the damage was already done, and i ended up shooting some rubbish shots... But anyway, after that we had air rifle girls outing! Some people were too lazy to walk out from the main gate so we wasted about half an hour waiting for the side gate to open. We went to cine and wondered for a long time what to eat until we finally decided on pasta mania because there was discount after 2. I couldnt eat much i think because i was still sick or something so i just ate like half of my food and someone finished up the other half.
Then we went to watch spiderman3! It was quite nice, although there were lots of stories happening at once, but i thought it was ok still and there were some sad parts which i felt extremely sorry for the Mary Jane girl because spiderman was being such a goldfish-eyed loser ass. What a gay man, how could he do such stuff? Ok nvm. The eddie guy in the black spiderman suit was rather scary because he had teeth in excess which was quite creepy and the screechy-roaring sounds he made were quite freaky too so i didn't look at his face too much.
So after spiderman we just went homeee becuase there wasn't much else to do and we all had stuff to do, like econs presentation.
So i went home and did the handout for the econs presentation.
On tuesday we stayed back in school to do the econs handout as well as go through the presentation. I wasn't sick anymore but i still couldn't eat and everything tasted like shyt [not that i know what it tastes like, but we all assume it tastes bad]. Everything was bitter, even the soursop drink that Kristy said was especially sweet. So bleh.
On wednesday was the presentation!! I admit it was totally crap partly because we started preparing so late, but also cuz CS's com screwed up somebit and the custom animation didn't work and stuff and he was talking like a dead fish when he presented so it was quite crap lar. But it was over. Thank goodness.
On THURSDAY, i had piano, which was equally crappy. I had to go on thurs since i was sick on saturday and missed it.
On Friday, MATH TEST and ELECTIONS! Math test didn't turn out too bad. I hadn't had time to study for the past few days but thank goodness i wasn't lost in the topics so i knew how to do it anyway. Elections was so scary i was shaking like hell when i came back from giving my speech. It was a close fight between me and peixin i think we had like 48 49? Before it ended with a 5 point vote going to PX. Oh well, there's always next year... I'm really glad that i tried this year cuz its the first time i'm ever giving a speech like that [in dunman i gave a class speech about muffins Y_Y] So yea, i haven't really done a real speech before so i think its quite cool that i managed to say the stuff that i wanted to say. Although i forgot quite a lot of things but nvm! It's over and done with, i'll just be more prepared next time..
Yes yes yes, so with all those horrible things over... i am now... HAPPY-ER! YEA. YEA. YEA. I think the week before i started getting stupidly depressed over the banner, econs presentation and stuff. But i guess its ok now, it isn't all that bad we can just take things as they come and it's still ok! Ok.. i really wanna sleep now... there's NYT shoot tmr..

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