Sunday, May 27, 2007


Aristal was cool. I saw huiwei and she looked like she was smiling extra happily. She was like dancing righttt in front of us cuz we were sitting really near to the front. And the VIP seats were like, right behind us, which i don't know what the point of that is. I saw Daniel dancing too. Can't miss him. The smallest one. When he hopped around he looked like a small kid la! haha.. so funny... But the first and last dances were quite grande..
I shan't bother going through all the dances.. The first dance was the intro dance. It was kinda mixed up with all the different dance kinds, and with music[Busindre Reel] that i have at home, but its nice. It's really nice to see lots and lots of people dancing together and they all look really happy even if they went for smiling classes.
Skip to the first Malay dance. This one was nice! Cuz the yellow costumes were like, super bright man, quite cool. And i saw huiwei dancing happily. They were like, swaying around quite fast like gold pieces being shuffled around by some greedy hand..
Then afters was the one with charlyn. That one was quite cool. It's like tribal-ly, but i don't really know what genre it's supposed to be. They were like wearing white ghostly dresses before stripping into blossom powerpuff girls tights thingies. I kinda like the ghostly part better though, and there were some people standing on blocks dancing up there. Hah.. I think i'll just fall off..
Then.. was a dance we already watched before.. some anti-drugs thing..
Chinese dance...
Indian dance.. i kinda felt that this one was a bit boring.. though Daniel still looked as happy as ever.
Malay dance, Huiwei's SYF piece i think. Quite nice too, haha. This time, Huiwei started out dancing miles away from us but she soon swayed her way over. I think i saw the solo part which someone was supposed to dance.
Then western dance again. Another drugs thing. This one was pretty cool. Well, i think its supposed to be, and it was.
Then Malay dance again, this one was a slow one though. I think i like fast ones better.
Chinese dance again..
Another western dance..
Western dance with fans! this one was nice, the sound the fans made were nice. I Heard them practising in school before. Didn't know fans could make such a sound. Sounded like scraping a board with lots of grooves or something.
Chinese dance with just three people dancing! All extremely tall and lengthy. They were all smiling like what la. But at least one of them looking genuinely happy. I don't know if they are smiling cuz they have to or they're really happy. I suppose they should be really happy.
Western dance Ballet piece.
Finally, Indian dance, the super grande dance which looks like it has 100 people or something, i don't know, it just looked like a lot. And when they all dance together with all the glittering gold bits of the costume and Daniel's extremely happy and excited face, it's really nice to watch man. It's like a dancing army or something, where everyone's in sync. Cool man.
So that was it for Aristal 2007. Haha. Congrats to all.

Xiu Rong was late. YET AGAIN. yes. AGAIN. although i reminded her not to be. I guess it doesn't work that way. What does? Why is XR always LATEEEEEEEEEEEE................ why?? Thankfully we were still able to get seats where we could see considerably well, unlike Lynna and Ama who had to make do with seats miles away. oh well, who asked them to be late. And blaming us for not saving seats for them cuz we gave the seats to Kirsty and company. summore. It's not our fault man. They came earlier and were in desperate need of a seat. If you guys wanted good seats too, why did you even come so late?You would have thought of coming earlier at least rather than blame us for your misfortune. Rar. Blame yourselves first man.

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