Saturday, April 07, 2007


oh yea. I just read xiu rong's blog and it mentioned something about strange dream, yeaa, so i shall write about my strange dream that i had on Friday morning...

So in this dream, i moved into a motel thingie, and i went to mini toons with huiwei [i think this is from too much stress finding her pressie]. And somehow the whole story changed to this random person in a hospital-like place. But it was really huge. With like, hundreds of windows. And the place was watched over by this woman[of which her identity i do not know]. She didn't allow anyone to enter and she surveyed the place and had this army that guarded all the exits. So the random person was watching her from the trees and from that point of view i could see the woman between the leaves and branches, wearing this bright pinkish purplish dress[must be the present stress]. A stark contrast to the whiteness of the hospital-like place. So this random person decided to try escape or something. So he[i think it was someone from prison break cuz i happened to watch schmits of the show the night before] went down the stairs really quickly while in my dream, my eyes followed like some camera filming the whole thing like it was some epic movie. Unfortunately, he met with an army of those guards. However, i don't know what happened, but apparently they were all robots. He knocked over them and they fell, deactivating. The whole army just... unplugged. They fell over each other, stiff, eyes open, expressionless. The random guy ran past them, continuing down the stairs.
He somehow got outside. And i think by this time that strange woman was alerted so she had ordered people to go after the random guy. So the random guy went back into the hospital-like place and pretended to go for a bath[for hentai ppl like xr's info, no he didn't actually bathe which means there wasn't anything hentai] He took his bathing stuff and... in my dream i didn't know where the bathroom was. It was an unfamiliar place afterall. My dreamcamera was looking left and right at the long endless corridors, with walls tinted light blue. Because i didn't know which way to go, neither did the random guy. Although this was just a dream, i could feel the sense of urgency and anxiousness. The need to find somewhere to hide, or cover up. The random guy just turned in a random direction and walked quickly to the end. There was a room at the end. He entered it. Just as he was about to pretend nothing happened, a cop entered. Wearing the brown cop uniform. The cop was pointing a gun at the random guy.
This part is really weird. Somehow the guy knew that by forcing me to wake up, the dream would disappear and he would not get shot. And that's exactly what happened. I was forcing my eyes to open. Forcing the dream to be stopped. The cop was protesting, shouting, 'don't try that', 'noo!!', but eventually my eyes pulled open, although there was a strong resisting force, and the dreamscape disappeared. And the guy didn't get shot. And i was awake.


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