Saturday, March 31, 2007


bleh. internal monthly today:
i shot 93 94 96 95. with 4 8s[walaosomany]14 9s and 22 10s. 378. Strangely enough, although i shot so many crappy 8s today, my score was still higher than safra monthly[95+95+93+95=377]... in which i shot no 8s. Which means i must have shot helluva lot of 9s. Which it felt like anyway. Anywayy.. actually i thought i would get an even crappier score cuz i haven't trained for one week[cuz of the crappy booking system thing + being sick] and also my sighting was quite horrible. My shots were like.. High.[i think it was something to do with my positioning] So i tried to change my positioning here and there[+make sure the gun butt was totally on my shoulder cuz daxiang and niao both said it was kinda high] and somehow some shots turned normal.
Along the way suddenly, the shots would go high again and i have no idea why actually. Which is why its so bleh. Don't know why some of the shots will fly somewhere else. Actually i was pretty sure of some of the shots but mann.. when i actually fired. I think i moved or something.. So the shot went totally off.. oh well.. and no overall improvement still!!! Gotta train more mann...
i am so lousy now man.zzz.

So after that! I had to torment myself even more!! [Huiwei better be thankful for this] For the sake of Huiwei the 'Great' i had to look at so much pink stuff today which is soo sad cuz i never usually look at pink stuff[cuz i don't like it la] and mann.. this is like the first time i looked at so much pink stuff its so.. W.E.I.R.D. And most of the pink stuff was like associated with pigs [No wonder huiwei resembles one haha] So well, i submerged myself in the world of pink objects and tried to see what was so nice about them...
Huiwei needs a pink revamping! Her pink things count is dropping. Which is baad. Because huiwei is a pink person and associated with piglets. Therefore she must stay pink. yeah. So i shall give her lots of pink stuff for her birthday and up her pink things count again!
So i did all that looking at pink stuff really fast cuz i had to rush home.. thankfully the places didn't let me down. I found a bunch of huiwei stuff that at least, didn't irk me so much that i couldn't bear to touch it. Luckily its pastel pink that she likes, which i don't mind as much, rather than h..h... pink. Which is sick lar. To me that is. Good for you if you like it.

Oh man. This is like a real post lar. So cool. Wa lao i used the word pink 15 times.

Since this is like, a real post! I feel like mentioning xiu rong and kristy in it. Yay. Kristy didn't come to class on thursday[same with me] and friday. So we both didn't take the MI test. Unfortunately, on friday Mrs Tan wasn't there for the tutorial so i didn't ask about retaking the test. Huiwei said maybe we won't take the test at all O_O. Oh well. We'll see. Xiu Rong... don't be negative. And rmbr! Don't say SsIiiAAaaannNnnN after lousy shots ok. Totally kills the next shot mann. yea yea yea. okok i shall stop here. Farewell.

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