Saturday, March 31, 2007


bleh. internal monthly today:
i shot 93 94 96 95. with 4 8s[walaosomany]14 9s and 22 10s. 378. Strangely enough, although i shot so many crappy 8s today, my score was still higher than safra monthly[95+95+93+95=377]... in which i shot no 8s. Which means i must have shot helluva lot of 9s. Which it felt like anyway. Anywayy.. actually i thought i would get an even crappier score cuz i haven't trained for one week[cuz of the crappy booking system thing + being sick] and also my sighting was quite horrible. My shots were like.. High.[i think it was something to do with my positioning] So i tried to change my positioning here and there[+make sure the gun butt was totally on my shoulder cuz daxiang and niao both said it was kinda high] and somehow some shots turned normal.
Along the way suddenly, the shots would go high again and i have no idea why actually. Which is why its so bleh. Don't know why some of the shots will fly somewhere else. Actually i was pretty sure of some of the shots but mann.. when i actually fired. I think i moved or something.. So the shot went totally off.. oh well.. and no overall improvement still!!! Gotta train more mann...
i am so lousy now man.zzz.

So after that! I had to torment myself even more!! [Huiwei better be thankful for this] For the sake of Huiwei the 'Great' i had to look at so much pink stuff today which is soo sad cuz i never usually look at pink stuff[cuz i don't like it la] and mann.. this is like the first time i looked at so much pink stuff its so.. W.E.I.R.D. And most of the pink stuff was like associated with pigs [No wonder huiwei resembles one haha] So well, i submerged myself in the world of pink objects and tried to see what was so nice about them...
Huiwei needs a pink revamping! Her pink things count is dropping. Which is baad. Because huiwei is a pink person and associated with piglets. Therefore she must stay pink. yeah. So i shall give her lots of pink stuff for her birthday and up her pink things count again!
So i did all that looking at pink stuff really fast cuz i had to rush home.. thankfully the places didn't let me down. I found a bunch of huiwei stuff that at least, didn't irk me so much that i couldn't bear to touch it. Luckily its pastel pink that she likes, which i don't mind as much, rather than h..h... pink. Which is sick lar. To me that is. Good for you if you like it.

Oh man. This is like a real post lar. So cool. Wa lao i used the word pink 15 times.

Since this is like, a real post! I feel like mentioning xiu rong and kristy in it. Yay. Kristy didn't come to class on thursday[same with me] and friday. So we both didn't take the MI test. Unfortunately, on friday Mrs Tan wasn't there for the tutorial so i didn't ask about retaking the test. Huiwei said maybe we won't take the test at all O_O. Oh well. We'll see. Xiu Rong... don't be negative. And rmbr! Don't say SsIiiAAaaannNnnN after lousy shots ok. Totally kills the next shot mann. yea yea yea. okok i shall stop here. Farewell.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


*sis approaches

sis says: every evening, munmun shuts herself up in a corner in front of her laptop and sings emo songs, together with an emo expression on her face... and even a black shirt to go along! and ninja gloves!

*walks away after that


//.i will love you until my dying day. come what may.

Friday, March 23, 2007

i hate green apples. They are SOUR and taste BAD

Today someone really pissed a whole lot of people off mannn. I could just say the name since we all know who it is but nvm.. what the hell.. Just writing your name there when you haven't even got a group yet. What's your problem man?? Still want us to split up OUR group just so that you can have your way?? We formed our group already why the hell would we split up just cuz of you??

What the hell do we owe you anyway.

And acting like you're so pitiful always talking in that irritating tone of voice. Can you like, change to some new tactic or something cuz that one is really getting boring.

Making things difficult for everyone just so that you will get what you want. What you have SYF, well so does the rest of half of the class.. And still pretending to be nice at the end by saying what, draw lots la draw lots la... We already said OK. As long as we even had a spot to write our group down, FINE, go ahead and do that question lar!! Wa lao, stop following people around can. Its dam creepy lar. And we were already contented that we even had somewhere to write down our group becuz earlier on becuz of people like YOU we didn't even have anywhere to go?? And we were a fully formed group unlike you?? And when you FINALLY got your group you still dare to claim that you guys wrote your group there first. Like, wth? In the first place you just simply wrote your name there with no group at all?? We could have just rubbed off your name and just wrote down our group lar. What's your problem??? Godielar.

Still say, fine la if that's what you want, or whatever. YEA, THAT'S WHAT WE WANT MANNN...good that you're fine with it. And yea. You wanna talk to us but we already gave up talking to you because we tried and you won't listen so there's no point talking. So you're happy now right anyway, you got what you wanted in the end? Yea well, good for you. So why don't you just shuddup and stop acting kindly like a bloody hypocrite and stop following people around.


oh man. this is like the first time i bao-ed in class and really shoot back at someone straight in the face. Chao bu shuang.

oh yea, if you're unhappy with this, too bad. Blogs are for people to express what they have to say, especially when they're really mad and have no better way to express it like, punching the wall or something. so too bad.

//.wreckage of the heart.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Poor xiu rong got abused by kristy today i heard. mann, kristy.. shouldn't be so violent to your peng yous you knoww! I won't niao you so much so you BETTER NOT NIAO ME OK. [since its not even true unlike..!!!] It's dam annoying yea i know.. and i never niao you that bad what!!! Why you say i niao people until very bad one.. just cuz i walked past... wa. i said i didn't see anything lar -_- and i purposely walk in front so you guys can be out of my sight... zzzzzzz... haiz. people are weird when they like someone mann.. especially in front of that person.. *points to rtj

ok. that's all bleh.

//.open your eyes and look this way, tell me girl, about your day.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

huiwei's theory

today i put my phone on my stomach and guess what huiwei said!

Later you get stomach cancer.

:/ welcome to the world of huiwei. where birds and beavers have no tails and ducks have no beaks.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007


.why does the name keep ringing in my head, although all i have for that name is hate.

that doesn't imply anything i just thought of it.

Anyway. Some people are really annoying man. I don't even know them and they keep niaoing me. Like wts. That's the only thing they have to say. Stupid. Irritating. I feel like stabbing them. But i can't. Damn. Wa lao.. I wish they would stop la.. oh well.

Today was quite a fun day [other than becuz of some people] but nvm, it was still fun because xiu rong managed to find something nice and we saw many many ducks. And so we rambled around in circles and found a nice place to complete Kristy's secret mission and then we were off and back to our humblyabodes. yay.

ok im really bad at writing in a blog so well, yeaaa, maybe read xiu rong's or kristy's for more information!