Monday, March 28, 2011

I suddenly feel like a lot of my memory is like a blur, regarding events that happened in the more recent years of my life. I don't want to lose anymore memories so I shall try to record them down dutifully!

yesterday I went kite flying for the second time in my life! but for the first time with my honeybunny. before it all started we took our time having lunch and stuff, then popped over to toys r us as it was the place with the highest likelyhood of selling kites. after tunnelling through the maze of little boys and children's toys, we were close to losing hope on finding our kite! but! I didn't want to give up and I really could not believe toys r us wouldn't sell a simple toy like a kite, so I ventured further into the baby's section n low and behold! finding it's place on a slightly gloomy, easily-missed shelf was.. a small array of kites! and for only 4-6 dollars each too! I didn't really wanna have a huge kite to carry around for the rest of the day so we settled for the smallest one, which would go as small as you could fold it cuz it had no support whatsoever, merely a plastic sheet constructed in a particular air-catching manner. but we didn't think much of it! 3.95 only.

with kite in one hand and honey in the other, we pranced along to the grassy patch next to the interchange where we always see many people flying kites. today was no different, but when we began, we were the only ones. it was really sunny, not much wind, and being pretty much first timers, our attempts to fly the kite were sad and only a few scattered victories here and there gave us hope that the kite could actually fly! but as the day wore on, some other pros brought out their huge and sturdy-looking kites and started flying them with barely any effort at all. seeing their success, me n honey decided to migrate over to a patch closer to their side where we suspected the fengshui might be better! and IT WAS!!

the wind there was soo much stronger, came way more often, and our kite could fly spontaneously, albeit crumpling upon itself and doing tumbles due to it's lack of bone structure. the sky was beginning to darken too, but the wind was so awesome, after a few tries, we managed to extend the kite to the full length of the string! it was just such an awesome feeling, seeing the white thread vanish into the dark grey sky, and see our kite in the distance, looking like a wild owl flitting and jerking from side to side threatening to do it's favourite tumbles.

to end off, we managed to fly the kite while sitting down! yayy. that was our other goal. and as lightning streaked through the gloomy clouds ahead, we retired into the cosy shelter of secret recipe n ate a delectable dinner while wondering about the late comers who only started barely before the storm unleashed it's power upon us!

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