Monday, November 19, 2007

Sometimes I have memories
Memories from the deep
But none of these are memories
That I want to keep

Take away these memories
Etched deep inside my heart
Cuz one by one these memories
Are tearing me apart

Please believe, these memories
Are nothing that I want
Don’t know how to get rid of them
Somehow I just cant

Someone please just set me free
Free from all anxiety
Cuz now all that I can see
Are these dreaded memories
Don’t know if you should even be a friend
Just know I wont be deceived again…


Today on the mrt something scary happened. I was standing there, innocently, when suddenly this woman gripped my shoulder. I looked at her, she looked at me. She glared at me. [or maybe i just thought she was, but in truth it was actually a worried look i think] I thought she just needed something to hold on to so i didnt say anything. But she kept gripping. And she gripped harder. Then her whole arm snaked over to my other shoulder. I tensed. "Move forward" she whispered "The man behind is unwell".

Wa lau.

Say so la! I thought wth are you trying to do man -_- yes. she was just telling me to move forward, but she had her arms around my shoulders man. I didnt say anything the whole time, just wide-eyed, puzzled and then hit with realisation, relaxed.

The man was unwell. yup he was. He was huffing like a i dunno what. Like a dragon about to breathe fire? And when people got near him he put his hand up and glared really scarily.

And so that was my adventure for today..
I had actually wanted to post about something else, but maybe not today.

oh yea i will not rot at home like someone said i would! i will do a lot of things...

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