Saturday, December 02, 2006


i shall blog about obs lar! since dats what everyone's doin....

Here are the OBS kias in alphabetical order:
Bing Xin
Jia Hui
Joceline[im not sure how to spell lar]
Shi Qi
Shu Fang
Xin Yuan
Xiu Rong
Zestin the gross.

So we met at 715 at atrium on monday and took a bus to the jetty, and putted off in the little boat thingy to pulau ubin. Everybody was sayin dat xr and my bag was really small, but i dint think so, so nvm.

Anyway! We started off by playin this silly game of an egg and eagle and king kong and shen and dunno if there was sth in between that i left out but anyhows, we were supposed to promote ourselves by playin scissors paper stone with the same species. And since i sarked really bad, i ended up being the only egg left and shu jen the pro kia was the shen and she was supposed to draw a red egg on my face but she's nice so she just dotted a dot somewhere.

After that our instructor, Ai Chin, toured us around the place and eventually sent us to our bunky area.

So we settled down in our bunky area, with me, shiqi, Xr, shanti, christine, joceline, shu jen in one portion of the room, the ip2 girls in the other portion and the guys in the last portion. After that i forgot what happened liao. But along the way we had our catered luncheons and then we had to go climb a rock wall so we went and climbed it. There were lots of pro kias climbing like super fast. I dont know how i climbed but my leg was like too short to reach one of the knobbly things so i had to climb on the wall itself instead and faster step on it. In the end most ppl managed to reach the toppest top.

We also did night walk on the first night and i hate it argg.. Because well. The dark is dam scary, i hate the dark i hate the dark. Walao. Im dam happy i met with xiu rong along the way, for the solo walk, because i was walking dam fast, and i dint wanna walk behind her so i kinda walked in the middle of her and shanti [whom she met along the way cuz shanti saed she injured sth and was walking slowly] so the three of us returned at the same time and i think some ppl were sayin stuff about us not walking alone and stuff but heck lar. I think i would have died out there if i was alone the whole way.

Along the way, i forgot which day, we were in the learning room and Gideon was playing this fakely serious game with us, and i couldn't not laugh at shiqi so i got drawn on. And i also saed sth rongly so i got drawn on also. I forgot to see what got drawn on me so until this day i do not know.

Aiya, its really mah fan to rite everything cuz there's liek a lot of things so im just gonna rite about kayaking now.
The first day we kayaked was just for practice. I went with Xiu Rong, and we kinda didnt coordinate so we were really sarky i think.

Then the next day when we were supposed to kayak to our campsite so we had to pack our backpacks and everything in the blue tins and water in the jerry cans and stuff. Somehow, it was left to only the ip1 girls to carry everything and we made like a million trips up and down rolling the blue tins and jerry cans and EVERYBODY'S blardy backpack down in the trolley thing to the kayak place. We even had to carry the guys' backpacks, and i carried a red one, which ZR later told me had 5 blardy bottles of shyt water in it [no wonder it was so blardy heavy] and my shoulders almost broke off by the time i got to the bottom. And the other ip1 girls had to carry all the blue bins and jerry cans which were also ------ heavy. Then we went to eat breakfast. We were all darn irritated because even when we got there, no one thanked us or anything and Someone even asked us to hurry up and i felt like slapping that someone until - ok nvm.

Anyhows, after that, we kayaked to our little campsite, i went with shiqi, who could steer, so it was better except there was the muddy parts wheere i stupidly got a bit stuck cuz i dont know. I just got a bit stuck and had to pull like shxt to get my dum foot out. And eventually it happily popped out of the mud like a newborn earthworm and i grabbed the waiting tree branch and got pulled up by some helpful hands up there. Actually retarded reuben tried to carry me up and i almost got a heart attack, thank goodness it dint work. Jia Hui lost her shoe in the mud. It must be feeling lonely now.

At the campsite, the quarry was really nice, we saw a cute little lizard thing swimming along in the water, i think it was waving to us too. We had to built a raft to meet the right qualities in the instructor's minds in order to play in the quarry, so we built it like mad, since the first bits of time were spent listening and talking rubbish and it was really noisy and useless. We rushed out the raft and thankfully it held together except for one barrel flipping over [but it still held together] and everyone got on and everyone was happy.

Since we had already pitched our tents, all that was left was to change and eat, so the ip1 girls went together with 3 ponchos to create our makeshift changing room and changed. By the time we returned, it was kinda dark, and food was being cooked by two happy seniors, Crystal and Elaine. They cooked it kinda nice so we had a nice dinner. And the stars were awesome! There were so many and i saw a shooting star! It was orange and it fell and disappeared! Dam cool lar! I was kinda stunned when i saw it so i dint really make a wish when it was falling, but rather after it had disappeared.
So, we ended off the night with another sharing session, where we had to find a totally unrelated-to-us-in-any-way partner and look into their eyes and guess what would become of them in the future, and where would they like to go for a holiday. I dint know who to look at cuz isnt it weird to just stare at a person.. so Ai Chin picked me a partner, and i got this ip2 person called bento. I guessed that he would be married to Zhi Rong, because well. Don't they just match each other perfectly! And they would like to go to Thailand to fulfill their dreams of being happily together. Bento guessed that i would be a philosopher, which is not true > < because well, i dunno! i dont think i will be one. But he saed i liked to daydream, which is true i guess. Then he guessed i would like to stay at home, which is kinda true but i just saed i wanna go to NZ which is also true. I am really undecided. And so, everyone else guessed their partner's occupations and we went to sleep with some funky techno lullaby from malaysia. It was DAM irritating lar! I couldnt sleep at all. So blardy noisy. I think i fell asleep for a while, because I couldnt have survived the night without sleeping.

When we kayaked back, we were supposed to kayak with the partners we got for the sharing the night before becuase the ICs saed so. But i kayaked with niaorong, cuz Bento and Reuben missed each other. I think i should be thankful for it somehow. It was quite fun kayaking with zhi rong lar, reuben and bento were laffing at how he looked funny when he was kayaking fast, and they kept crashing into us.. anyway, we completed our return trip real fast, in about 3 hours, and along the way we stopped at this island, which had ben's island sprayed on a rock -_- and i ate oreos and talked with xiu rong who was kayaking with christine i think? or xin yuan. Anyhows, we were dam happy to reach back to civilisation cuz everyone was bitten like shxt by the blardy sandflies and moskwitos. I had bites all around my ankles and hands cuz those were the only parts uncovered when i was sleepin in the happy little tent.

Throughout the trip zestin was being really gross and flirting around, carrying out his normal lifestyle. It was dam gross to watch but well. Good to laugh at.

Yay! Home! We could go home on the last day after packing our stuff. We were supposed to do flying fox, but the weather didn't allow us to. A lot of people wanted to do it, but I hate falling, so i was quite happy that we dint have to do it. wahaha.
After that, we had to get our certs, and unfortunately, someone else in the group had to give the certs to us. I got gen's cert [yay a nice person but i stupidly told her i dint know wad to sae to her, cuz i dint really tok to her or anything during the whole camp], and unfortunately, bento got my cert and i wanted to just take it but we had to shake a congratulations hand. So shake lor, and i replied a wadeva to his congrats cuz everybody was like making stupid niao-ing noises. -_-So after that, we went to buy soveniors [which i do not know how to spell....] and took the nice little boat back home again,, yay.

Of cuz, there was a lot of stuff in between, but this is already chao long and im lazy to remember the rest so i shalt not rite more for now. FAREWELL BLOG!

addition: OH YEA. ZESTin was being such A PIG. he kept going to steal the instructor's food, and he stole bento's bento when bento was like super late for lunch[dat one i dun mind but] HE WENT TO STEAL FROM the instructor's buffet, dam pig lar. I was hoping he shxt until he die, or drown in his shyt. or his shxt dun even come out and he get stuck in the toilet for eternity. DIE ZESTIN.

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