Saturday, May 29, 2010

My phone died and they gave mr a new one. This one is significantly faster. The old one must have been crap from the start man. There's like a large difference in response time and function,which I thought was normal at first until my sis told me otherwise. But yes. I have a proper working piece now so hooray.

But I lost my poem. Dam.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's not so good when youre on your own.

Oh yea?
Omg. A baby lizard just catapulted onto my foot. Sent shivers right from the bottom of my spine to the top of my head. Ughh!!! Totally ugh...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Go ahead. Take your own sweet time unpacking and arranging. Afterall
I came all the way here just to wait for you.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

There's a man on the train with yellow eyes! Vampire!

No they're not contacts. He's middle-aged westerner with greying hair. And you can see right through those marble eyes!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

too bad your name still irks me.

disgusting girl
The only thing that would draw me towards living in a cold country other than beautiful scenery is furry animals.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Perhaps I have lived too long in my own prehistoric world. Which stays within the reaches of my own sanity. I still refuse to go near newspapers that only reveal to me the treachery of reality. They only stain my hands with the grey-black woes of the world. My life is plain and I'm buried under the sands of my own imaginary realm. Perhaps in that respect I lose. And fail to fly as far as other fledglings of my age. Because I know only of my own sheltered little world. Where mushrooms are sand and strawberry-coloured. And my imgainary friend in his brilliant red Fox suit reads books to me while I sip a cup of English breakfast tea. With extra milk and sugar. By the fire.

A 2-story high bookshelf with books I will never read.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Everyone's life seems so exciting while mine is sadly quite mundane. After all these months life seems different but still the same. I need some true excitement! E.g. Getting into a cool overseas school. But I applied for none thus shall remain unknown to all at this particular point in time. And all the particular points in time to come. Perhaps I will never fly away no matter how many times I think of the moulin rouge song.

Thou shalt put in heart and soul into learning new langwich.

One day I'll fly away...
But I still miss yesterday.

Why live life from dream to dream?
And dread the day when dreaming ends...
If one does not bother, one will never understand.
When you say some hurtful things I wonder why I don't even flinch.

I don't want your patronage but something really genuine.

You can't see how it pains me to live with my invisibility.
This loneliness never ends...

Friday, May 07, 2010

yet again, a baby mynah fell into the healing hands of my father.

the amazing thing is, its parents came to visit it! How cool is that! But the father mynah was greedy. He went to eat the papaya in my dad's bird trap and he got caught! My dad promptly caged him up. The mom was smarter. She didnt fall into the trap but she came back 5 or 6 times to look at her baby and her silly husband. My mom said dad's letting the father mynah go tomorrow. Baby mynah will be brought up by my dad though, until he's ready to fly. And then it will be time to meet the world, like all other little mynahs. Meanwhile i hope the parents keep coming back to visit!

It's such a lovely thing to see.

Thursday, May 06, 2010


loansharks came to splash my neighbour's door this afternoon. And they JUST splashed ours. Who would think they would commit such a deed TWICE in a day!! And the dumb thing is its UPSTAIRS THAT OWES MONEY!! rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

and the police are taking so long to come when the station is just 10minutes walk away. -.- THE PAINT IS DRYING SIR!!

luckily the diagonal splash missed the new slippers my sis bought if not really squat there wait for them to come back then strangle their eyeballs.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Feels like my degree increased ten fold or sth. My right eye's vision is blurred even with specs. Sad life man. I hope it's temporary!! But for now, back to work!

Monday, May 03, 2010

Having experienced being a vampire for two days, I think I much prefer being human still.

Though the starlight kept me company I do really miss the sun. And being outside properly.

I'm back into the real world now! No longer wishing for a new pair of eyes. Thank goodness. Another day of excruciating eye pains I really cannot take. Want to know how it feels! Hold a handful of sand in front of your eyes and stand in front of a strong fan. Let the grains fly into your eyes and then keep them in there, don't take them out. Yep. That's just about how it was like.

PAINFUL. No more!

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Anyone who looks into my eyes will want to be turned to stone.

Conjunctivitis hurts :C