Saturday, November 18, 2006


eh? the people in my templates siblings arh? hair and eyes both same colour... no lar. not siblings. i just like it coloured like that.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

cuz huiwei ask me to

huiwei has been being rather noisy lately [eh, actually she's noisy all the time] asking me to hurry up and post something, so i shall post something.
I shall do a comparison. The other bits of where this came from can be read from xiu rong's blog.

Startling similarities between huiwei's and my acquaintance that have the same pronounciation of name.

same pronounciation of name
both wear braces
both dun wear specs[although huiwei says her friend just wants to act pretty but actually wears specs] but nvm, today he dint wear.
Both about the same height i think although im not really sure.
both eyes look the same
both look about the same lar

Spelling of name
One not so smiley one so smiley
one haf dimples one dun haf

How scary it is that they are so similar. Luckily surname different also.

ok. I have posted, huiwei can stop making noise now, yay.