Saturday, September 16, 2006


Your English Skills:

Grammer: 100% c:
Spelling: 60%
Punctuation: 40%
Vocabulary: 40%
Does Your English Cut the Mustard?

ahahha, my spelling so lan. and everything else oso. lol.

Ey! Kinder Bueno has 起价ed! this is bad! it has gone from 95 cents to one hundred and fifteen cents! sad life. [what huiwei the great always says]

Sunday, September 10, 2006


There are approximately 38 starfish in my dad's tank due to the fact that there are no potential predators to munch on them and thus they keep multiplying.
aren't they cute

Poor Xiu Rong, Xiu Rong! Don't be sad! We welcome you to the school range with open arms! schmiles*

Friday, September 08, 2006


yay. its a wu liao quiz

Would u ever:
Pet a snake - yea!
Spend a week in an empty room - by myself, so sad arh. no
Ride in a hot-air balloon - if i can
Sky dive - cannot, sure die one
Sing in front of a huge audience - cannot, stage fright
scuba dive - i wan
Sit in the front seat of a roller coaster - i sit roller coaster i die liao still sit front seat summore
Deliver a baby - urhh... i dunt tink so might kill the person
Swim across the Amazon River - if got no alligators
Change careers - dunno leh
Disappear for a long period of time - wa, dats dam cool, i guess so
Walk through the forest alone at night - no way
Join a space mission - yea!
Tell everyone what you honestly think of them - sometimes
Call off your wedding - depends on who i getting married to
Walk naked through New York City for 10 minutes during rush hour - no
Walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a girl - no
Disarm a bomb - if i knew how to
CLean the outside windows of a skyscraper - oh man, dats so cool too lar. I guess so
Draw a mustache on the Mona Lisa with a permanent marker - no
Go on tour with Elvis - unless im dead too
Go swimming during a thunder storm - wa lao, want to die arh, i cant even swim properly
Preform surgury on your best friend - if that's the only way she had a chance

ok, dats all

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Today was the cremation. Well... i guess there's nothing much to say about it and its not for me to say anyway.

Went to Kaiting's house for the movie thingie and we watched some movies.

I don't wanna grow up. If i grow up then i'll be open to another and another rating of movies which i do not want to because i don't wanna watch those sicko shows. Haiyar.

Eh, i still haven't accustomed myself to saying what the Huiwei. Aiya, we just make for fun onli, not like we will realli use it right. And that Huiwei arh, anyhow disturb people's phone go change all the name, now everytime Xiu Rong sms me i wanna laff. looks at Xiu Rong* U noe wad im toking about heh heh heh.

okok. I got nothing to say liao. Bye
Oh ya, the time is not 235 lar, its +3hours and its PM not AM, im not Xiu Rong so invincible and no nid to slp. dunno why the time anyhow anyhow one.

ah hah! i know. i am slow, but at least i realised that i have to change the time zone! whoohoo.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Today's timetable:
- IH project meeting in the morning
- Attend wake in the evening

wad the huiwei.

Yesyes, its the new and improved curseword that everyone loves! It's absolutely fantastic. It expresses our feelings entirely with just the use of that word.

I like reading xiu rong's blog, its so entertaining and makes people happy. yay.

wad the crap. this retarded blog of mine wunt show the other posts. Dammit lar.

Oh, my ex-classmate died for some strange reason that his parents are also not sure of because the symptoms were like normal, like just fever and stuff and when the fever subsided it was just cough and then somehow he lost consciousness and then was gone

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


People living deeply have no fear of death. - anais nin

What's happening? Why are so many people that you actually know, dying at the same time?

My ex-classmate just passed away yesterday too, from a bacterial infection of the heart or something like that...


yay. im finally done with the stupid skin.

steve irwin, the croc hunter died yesterday from a sting ray sting. its so weird and sad.